Chapter 12

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A few weeks went by. It was spring break. Brianna was in her room, listening to music. She got a text from Carlisle. "Hey. My family and I are playing baseball this afternoon. Do you want to come?" He sent.

"Sure. I'd love to." Brianna replied.

"Great. Edward will pick you up in an hour." Carlisle sent back. Brianna sent back an ok and went to go find her dad. He was a baseball fan and was a huge Phillies fan. Maybe he had a jersey she could use. She found him outside, repairing something.

"Hey Bri." He greeted, when he saw her.

Brianna typed something on her tablet and showed it to her father. "The Cullens invited me to play baseball with them. Do you have any jerseys I could borrow?"

"Yeah. I think I have one." Scott said as he climbed down the ladder he was on. They walked into the house and went up to Scott's room. He handed her a Phillies jersey.

"Thanks Dad." Brianna typed, taking the jersey.

"You're welcome." Scott said. Brianna went to get ready. She changed into outdoor type clothes, put the jersey on, and put her hair up in a ponytail.

A little bit later, Brianna saw the Jeep pull up. She grabbed her tablet and phone and headed downstairs. Her dad was now doing the laundry. "Edward's here." She typed and showed it to her father. "I'll see you later."

"Have fun." Scott said. Brianna grabbed her jacket and walked out of the house. When she got in the Jeep, she saw Bella there.

"Hello Brianna." Edward greeted her as she got into the Jeep. Brianna waved to him.

"Nice outfit." Bella said. "Very fitting for the activity."

"Thanks." Brianna typed. "The jersey's my Dad's." Bella nodded.

A few minutes later, they came to a field. The Cullens were in the distance, warming up. "So, vampires like baseball?" Bella asked as they all got out of the Jeep.

"Well, it's the only time we get to play." Edward said, putting a baseball cap on her. "You guys will see why." The three of them started walking over to everyone else. As they got closer, Brianna saw Carlisle walk over to her. Her heart started beating fast like it does every time she sees him.

"Hi love." He greeted her with a peck on the cheek. "I'm glad you came."

"Me too." Brianna typed.

"You look adorable in that jersey." Carlisle said as he put his baseball cap on her head.

Brianna blushed a little bit. "Thanks." She typed.

Esme came over to them. "Glad you girls are here." She said to Brianna and Bella. "We need umpires."

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett said.

"I know you cheat." Esme said.

"It's time." Alice said, just as they heard thunder. Bella and Brianna stood by Esme and played as umpires. Alice pitched the ball and Rosalie hit it. Brianna watched Rosalie run the bases. She thought thought that Rosalie was going to get a home run, but Esme caught the ball just before Rosalie got to the base.

"Out." Bella said. Rosalie glared at Bella.

"Come on, babe." Emmett said. "It's just a game." Carlisle was up next. He smiled at Brianna as he walked up the plate. He hit the ball and got to first base before Emmett and Edward got it. Then, Jasper was up and batted. The game continued.

"Stop!" Alice said, just as Rosalie was up to bat again. "They were leaving, but then they heard us."

"Let's go." Edward said to Bella and Brianna.

"It's too late." Carlisle said.

"What?" Bella asked.

"We shouldn't of brought you guys here." Edward said to them.

"Get behind us, girls." Esme said.

"Brianna, put her your down." Carlisle said.
Brianna took the hair tie out of her hair.

"Keep your hair down, Bella." Edward said.

"What's going on?" Bella asked. 

"Just stay behind us." Edward said. Brianna and Bella did as they were told. Carlisle stood, protectively, in front of Brianna. They saw three figures approaching. Two were guys and the third person was a woman. The two guys both had long hair. One was African American and the other was caucasian. The woman was also caucasian and had fiery curly red hair.

"I believe this belongs to you." The African American man said, holding up a baseball. He threw it to Carlisle.

"Thank you." Carlisle said as he caught the ball.

"I am Laurent." The man said. "And this is James and Victoria."

"I'm Carlisle. This is my family." Carlisle said. "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us."

"Our apologies." Laurent said. "We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."

"Yes well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle said.

"Well, we won't be a problem anymore." Laurent said. "We were just passing through."

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east." Victoria said.

"Excellent." Carlisle said.

"So, could you use three more players?" Laurent asked. The Cullens were quiet. "Just one game?" Laurent said.

"Sure." Carlisle said. "Some of us were leaving. You can take their place." As they turned, the wind caused Brianna and Bella's hair to blow.

"You brought us some snacks." James said. The Cullens jumped in front of Bella and Brianna.

"They're human?" Laurent asked.

"The girls are with us." Carlisle said. "I think it would be best if you leave."

"I can see the game is over." Laurent said. "We'll go."

"Get Brianna and Bella out of here." Carlisle said. "Go." Edward led Bella and Brianna to Jeep and got in.

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