Silence is a Virtue Pt. 6

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+Red Army Bass: With Tom+

Tom walked alongside Alan as they walked to Tord's office to drop of his package and some envelops. Unlike some soldiers who were scared of their leader, Allan was difference liek some other soldier who didn't seem to mind the dangerous presence his leader gave off.

"It should be a hall down from here now." Tom turns the corner with Allan to see Tord standing in front of his office with his fiancée, Emilia. The two of them seem to be talking about something serious.

The two approach a bit closer and were able to hear more of the conversation.

"Honey, can't you do something about them?" She pulls at the skirt of her white dress she chose to wear today. Alan and Tom noticed the large smug of dirt and water ruining her dress, looking fresh.

"They're boys my dear, they'll be rough like that," Tord finishes with a sigh. "I'll can buy you a replacement or get your dress fixed up by the uniform department if you'd like."

Tom finally decided to cut into the conversation out of not wanting to wait for the engaged pair to stop their conversation.

"Hey Commie," He said walking up to them.

Tord turns his attention to Tom when he realizes his old friend finished his errands. "Oh Witness, your back finally."

Emilia crosses her arms over her chest with a narrowed look at Tom. "Good to have you back. May I ask you tame your monsters down? They ruined my favorite dress."

Tom looks to her dress again before rolling his eyes. He was pretty sure he taught Tomi to be respectful to people, Torm seemed respectful enough on his own he supposed.

"We're in a work setting, if anything, you should be wearing your uniform," Tom casual comments not missing the irked twitch of his enemy's fiancée.

"Excuse me?" She questions like Tom is opposing her.

Tom ignored her and asked instead, "Was it the both of them or one in particular?"

"The younger one," Emilia answers even though a little mad at him for the earlier comment. "They were playing about in the garden and the younger monster spilled a bucket of dirt and water on me."

"I apologize on their behalf," Tom says as he curtly nods his head. He'd usually place a hand over his heart apologizing to a lady but his hands were quiet occupied at the moment.

"They're forgive, thank you."

Tom then looks over to Tord who didn't look to happy he was ignored. "Anyways, I got you're mail like you wanted."

Tord looks at the shopping bags hanging off Tom's arms while he held a square package with envelops adressed to him on top of them.

"Are all of these mine too?" He asks pointing to the bags.

Tom shakes his head, "Just the box and envelops." He passes them to him which he takes thankfully, his arms were rather tired for carrying them. "These bags are for Torm and a Tomi. I bought them clothes since your department doesn't seem to want to cooperate with me."

Now that Tord thinks about it, the monster children have been going around either wearing rags or rip clothes. Maybe he should have at least provided them with better clothes.

"Mommy!" A happy voice calls out to Tom.

From behind Tord and Emilia, Tomi ran pass them to hug his caretaker's leg. "I missed you so much! Tormy and I were lonely without you!" He said with a sad whine at the end.

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