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General POV 

After the shaking up incident, Masaomi have brought the pink haired female to the boss and discussed about what happened. Ichinose helped Lucy get back into bed seeing she was still too weak to get up, but is showing signs she is getting better. He laid out many strawberry desserts out on the table in front of her as an apology for keeping her out in the cold last night..

"Oh I almost forgot" Lucy gasped "You can come out now Happy, Julie"

"What do you me-" Ichinose got cut off when a blue cat and a squirrel approached from beneath the bed, they hopped onto the bed as the cat immediately snuggled into the blonde's arms and the squirrel went on her shoulder

"These are my friends Happy and Julie" Lucy smiled 

"Oh so this is the man that got Lucy sick to be ended up in the hospital" Julie started squeaking all over 

"A blue necko?" Ichinose questioned tilting his head picking up the unusual cat who looked back concerned 

'Ichinose has a deep fond of cats so just act like a regular one since he doesn't know where I am actually from' She sent as he nodded

"Lucy how are you feeling, I heard you were up" Akito walked into the room stopping dead in his tracks "Ichinose?"

"Akito?" He rose a brow 

"Am I missing something here" Lucy, Happy, and Julie looked on back and forth confused 

"Ichinose is one of my close cousins, what are you doing here?" Akito sighed 

"I just came to visit my sick friend, Lucy" He grinned slugging an arm around his cousin "You knew her before and you didn't bother to introduce her to me?"

"This is Aki-chan's cousin?" Lucy tried to wrap her head around the information "The man who was weird enough to ask me out as first meeting, then brought me out to the cold that made me get sick in the end?"

"You got her sick" Akito raised an eyebrow smacking him up the head 

"Oi I'm not weird take that back!" Ichinose pounced on the girl 

"AHAHAHAHAHAH N-NEVER" Lucy started laughing all over trying to shove the man away who kept grinning while tickling her "I-ICHI- AHAHAH STOP"

"Take back about me being weird and I will stop" He teased before meeting a face full of a cake slice 

"Take that!" Lucy shoved him to the floor getting her revenge 

"W-What the hell AHAHHAHAHHA!" The dark haired man started laughing shoving the cream from his face onto the girl 

"What can I do with them" Akito rubbed his temples leaning on the wall 

"You got cake in my hair!" She screamed tickling him everywhere cradling his hips

"Lucy we came b-" Yusuke opened the door to find a new man on the ground with frosting all over him with the blonde woman they came to visit on top of him with also messy frosting "What happened here?"

"H-He tickled me" She huffed out of breath 

"You are still sick Lu-chan" Ema went to help the girl up "Everyone wishes for you to get well and to trust on them to get the things done by tomorrow"

"Alright" Lucy chuckled wiping off the cream off her face helping the other man up wiping his "The desserts are good though where did you get it from, Ichinose?"

"EHHH THIS IS THE GENERAL" Yusuke and Ema shouted or gasped at the man who nodded 

"You got them from your mom's cafe didn't you" Akito tried a bite being remembered from the memories 

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