ii. missing

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NO ONE IN THE Sullivan-Ateara household expected to get a call at 8pm at night. Gathered in the living room watching one of Zeke's infamous horror movies, the shrill shriek of the telephone scared the wits out of each of them, even Zeke, who had a habit of laughing at the scariest parts of horror movies. Maggie flinched, instinctively burrowing into Zeke's side as Wren hurried to answer the phone, the wicked laugh of the murderer echoing from the television. 

"Don't worry, sis, nothing's gonna hurt you while I'm around," Zeke smirked, causing Maggie to scoff and roll her eyes. Her brother simply chuckled, slinging an arm around her shoulder and beaming at the bloody scene on the television.

In the kitchen, they could hear Wren's voice struggling to be heard over the shrieks of the movie's latest victim, "Wren Sullivan speaking." There was a pause. "Oh, Charlie, is everything okay?"

The mention of Charlie Swan, the Chief of Police from Forks, had everyone sharing a cautious glance. Everett reached for the remote, switching off the movie despite Zeke's whines, before rising to his feet and moving to join his wife. "Wren, honey, what is it?"

Despite their best efforts, each of Maggie's siblings turned to look at her as she sunk deeper into the couch. The last time she had seen Charlie Swan, she'd been leaning over Carson's lifeless body, sobbing her heart out as the police officer in question tried his best to coax her away. In the months since Carson's death, Charlie had made an effort to check in with Wren and Everett, so it wasn't odd for Dakota and Zeke to find themselves looking to Maggie for answers. But Charlie never called this late, and for a moment, Maggie's stomach twisted with dread.

"Oh, my!" Wren gasped, and Everett's eyes flashed with concern as his arms circled his wife's waist. "Of course we'll help you, we're on our way. Hold tight, Charlie."

As she hung up the phone, Everett asked, "What's happened, love?"

"Charlie's daughter, Bella, is missing," she frowned. "He's calling everyone he knows to see if they've seen or heard from her."

"Are they sending out a search party?" Everett questioned, crossing the room to put on his shoes before Wren could even answer. Charlie had been a friend of the family even before the incident with Maggie and Carson, so Everett was willing to drive twenty minutes into town if it meant that his friend wasn't alone and distressed.

"Yes, I told him we'd help," she nodded. "Kids-"

"Don't even think about it," Zeke interrupted her, jumping to his feet and offering Maggie a hand up. "We're coming with you."

Wren pursed her lips but didn't protest, knowing they needed as much help they could get. Bella could be anywhere, not to mention it was dark outside, "Alright, let's get going then."

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