The wedding

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My hands were shaking so hard I was trying to wrap my mind around the fact that in five minutes I would be walking down the aisle to Jace saying I do to Jace

“You ready? Dad and I are doing to walk you down the aisle”

“Derrek I’ve never been more scared before in my life” my voice was shaking

“Funny you said the same thing when that really big dog chased you” He started to laugh

Derrek not funny

“Ok look don’t be scared you love him, he loves you that’s all that matters now let’s go”

Both my dad and brother took my arm I walked as the flower girls walked down the aisle, I was next. I took a deep breath and started to walk down the aisle I saw Jace smiling at me the wedding song began I looked over at my dad too see him crying I didn’t think that this day would come finally me and Jace would be together we have a beautiful baby girl and I can’t see anything wrong with that.

When I got up to the altar the priest said “please be seated”

“We are gather here today bring together these wolves”

“Hold out your arms” we held out our arms and he took a short rope and wrapped our hands together

“These ropes show the never ending love that you two have for each other” he poured water on the ropes and took a knife and poked our index finger.

“Your love shall be everlasting”

“Do you Jace Valentine take Mackenzie Vega to be your Luna?”

“I do” he said smiling at me ear to ear

“And do you Mackenzie Vega take-“

“I do” cutting him off before he could finish everyone laughed even Jace who let out a light chuckle

“Well then on that note I now pronounce you Husband and Wife you may now kiss he bride” the kiss was deep and passionate but it had to be quick before thing got out of hands.

“Now I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jace Valentine” we walked back down the aisle

“Well this is it the rest of my life is going to be spent with you” Jace said to me

“I wouldn’t want to have it any other way” I responded

“You know this means you’re stuck with me forever” he sounded like this was a gift which it was

“Hmmm I think I can live with that”

“Even if I start to snore” he said curious

“I lived down the hall from derrek all my life trust me I think your good” he said with a light laugh

Later on

“Now it’s time for the first dance”

I heard the song Lightweight by Demi Lovato comes on

Jace and I began to dance.

“If I step on your foot I’m sorry”

“It’s ok Kenzie”

I stood close to and embrace him. I have never felt happier before in my life.

I looked over at Jailen to make sure she was ok and I see Titan dancing with her and the dance floor it was cute even though she just learned how to she wasn’t doing too badly.

“I think Jailen is dancing better than me right now”

At the end of the night me and Jace cuddled up together knowing that this could last forever made me warm I couldn’t help but think this is my happily ever after

Rejected by him(Book 1)Under Massive ConstructionWhere stories live. Discover now