Chapter Five

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"Slow down!" I scream at Aira who is running towards my house. "It's not like my mom will care when we get there you know!"

Aira laughs and continues to run I think faster, if that is even possible, then she just was. "Stop being such a bad sport! It's fun!"

I glare at her and continue to run, my breathing uneven. I don't like exercise, but someone like Aira can make me run. Who would have thought? "If I collapse because of exhaustion, I'm blaming you!"

"Only if you can catch me!" She laughs again, making me smile. She runs up my driveway and immediately opens the door, not even giving me a chance to catch up.

I groan and open my door, only to be greeted by my mother hugging Aira. "It's so nice to see you dear!"

I pause and smile at the sight. I clear my voice awkwardly, both of the heads turn to me. "Uh, hi. I hope you don't mind Aira being here."

Mom shakes her head and smiles. "Oh of course not! Aira is always welcome, she's such a nice girl." My mom walks off, leaving me with Aira.

"So, Minecraft?"

She nods excitedly. "Of course!"

She runs to my couch and immediately turns on the gaming system and controllers. I sit quietly next to her, not wanting to really talk much. Her hair is in pigtail braids, making her look like Anne from Anne of Green Gables.

She grins as the screen is split in half and we both begin to play. I notice that luckily, I got spawned near a village, so I quickly grab the potatoes from the farm and raid the chests.

I grin as I found some silver armor, today is my lucky day obviously.

My eyes glance over to Aira who is trying to kill a skeleton, and failing miserably. I smile at her, mostly because of how she looks at the moment. The little things about her make her really pretty, like how her eyebrows furrow when she concentrates.

She's just so cute.

I've never denied that I have a crush on her, I just don't talk about it, or think about it much. She obviously doesn't like me and it would ruin our already great friendship as it is. Plus, I'm fine with just being friends.

I trade with a trader, getting some more stuff. I move my controller, making my character walk over to a cave. Before I go into the cave however, I check to make sure I have a lot of torches beforehand.

I put torches down and walk around the cave, not before looking at Aira again. She is currently pouting as her character died by drowning. How someone could be this upset over a video game, I have no idea.

"You doing okay?" I ask her, looking back at the screen.

I glance at Aira to see her grabbing her knees. "How are you perfect at everything? It's so weird."

"Maybe a machine is making sure everything goes my way." I joke, chuckling a bit. The red-head smiles as well.

"Yeah right, that would be kinda awesome." She sits regularly and turns off her controller. "Hey, Cyrus?"

I pause the screen and look at her. "What's up?"

She awkwardly messes with her hair, the left pigtail end now frizzing up. "Well, I wanted to say that I really appreciate you."

I tilt my head, confused about what she's saying. "What do you mean by that?" I ruffle her hair to which she pouts.

"Never mind now!" She glares at me, her green eyes narrowing. "Jerk!"

I smile at her. "Weirdo!"

She sticks out her tongue. "Meanie!"

I narrow my eyes and just stare at her for a moment. "Idiot!"

"Dickwad!" She covers her mouth with her hand as she widens her eyes. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that!"

I laugh, I mean literally laugh. My laughter is probably carrying over the other side of the town. "It's fine." I stop laughing and stare at her. "But you did mean it."

"Did not!"

I smile at her, how old is she mentally? The world may never know. "Did too!"

She glares at me, if that cliche aura thing were to exist, she would be making the entire room black. "If you don't admit it was an accident I am going to throw this controller at you."

I smirk at her words, determined to egg her on. "Go ahead."

She growls and chucks the controller, only for her plans to be foiled by me miraculously catching it. "How on earth?!"

I hold the controller in my hand. "Isn't it obvious, you can't throw worth shit."

She narrows her eyes at me, holding a book above her head. "Take that back jackass!"

I smile at her, holding her controller in my hand. "Make me."

My words are immediately used against me as she continuously hits me with the hardcover novel. I protect my head as she screams incoherently about how 'I'm a jackass' and that 'I need to apologize right this instant'.

I grab the blanket she is standing on that is over the couch and pull it, making her fall on top of me. I never said I was smart.

I grab the book she was holding and throw it across the room, far enough so she doesn't get it, but not too far so it doesn't hit anything.

An angry Aira is scary, but my mom is scarier. I want to survive at least until I graduate.

"Aira calm down!"

"No!" She tackles me and basically pins me to the couch. "You are such a jerk, you know that? Can't you be nice for once? One time, that's all I'm asking! And now look what you did, you threw a perfectly good book! If you ruined my book, you are paying me back!" She glares at me.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" We look over to the voice before I immediately groan. "I just wanted to say that I have cookies if you guys want some." My mom awkwardly walks out of the room, well basically runs out of the room.

My mother's intrusion does the trick, since Aira fleas off of me faster than a roach when a light is turned on.

She huffs and crosses her arms. She glares at me, her eyes still say that she's mad at me. "I still think you're a jackass."

I smile and throw the controller at her, which she catches. "And I still think you're an idiot."

She laughs at me, "Minecraft?"

I nod at her, "Minecraft."

Word count: 1,104
Official Book Word Count: 5,403

Glitch | #ONC2020 ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora