You Swear

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Okay, so in all fairness... it was your fault. But in all fairer-fairness, it hurt. 

It was a peaceful Saturday at first... it was. You were skipping around the house attempting to entertain yourself when your dad called for you to come downstairs for an evening snack. 

You felt like you hadn't eaten in forever, so when you heard your dad say that (f/f) was ready for you downstairs, patiently waiting there all scrumptious-y, you got a little excited. 

You left no time to spare as you ran from the hallway to the stairs... in fact, one might say you flew... as in tripped over your own two feet and flew down the staircase. 

"Son of a biiiiiitch!" You hollered on your way down, hitting your head on every other step.

When you finally landed, the room was still spinning and you were on your side seeing stars. Your dad immediately set aside whatever he was doing and went to the staircase to check on you, "Hey, hey, hey! Are you alright?! Anything feel broken?!" 

Makoto knelt down to your height before beginning to inspect your every limb for cuts, bruises, or blood as you tried to swat his hand away. "I'm fine, I'm fine... that just hurt," You said, rubbing your throbbing temples.

"Are you sure?" He sighed in relief. "Well, that's good... Still, that was a nasty fall," He chuckled, "But watch your mouth next time~" He parented cheekily.

"I don't care! I just fell down the fucking stairs!" You exclaimed, quickly getting up and running to the kitchen before Makoto had a chance to reprimand you. 

"Hey! Hey! Watch it!" 


You sighed. The day seemed so simple. You were on the living room floor doing your homework, Chiaki was playing video games on the TV, and your Papa was doing some programming work on the computer. Everyone was doing something they loved meanwhile you were stuck with math. It was the bane of your existence at this very moment and for good reason. 

You would have far preferred ditching your math homework in favor of playing a child-friendly game with Chiaki, or even to just watch her as she played one of her favorites. 

In fact, you would have even settled for watching your Papa program in total concentration mode! The characters on his computer screen always looked like complete gibberish, but you were positive that they would have still made more sense to you than your homework. 

You sighed again, this time fairly dramatically, hoping to gain either one of the two's attention. Maybe they would throw you a bone and suggest you take a break. I mean, you started 10 minutes ago, you've done enough! But neither of them paid you any mind. At least the sound of your Papa's typing kept you concentrated and focused. Now... how were you going to deal with this doozy?

3+5? Easy, 8.

12-4? Another easy one, 5.

99+7? Huh? 

...Wait, what? That didn't make any sense! 100 is the highest number; you can't get any higher than that! What were you supposed to do with the other... 6...? Yeah, 6 units? 

You tried thinking about the question for a little longer because maybe you missed something, but after about 5 more minutes of contemplating, you gave up, "This is bullshit!" You exclaimed.

After a few seconds you heard your Papa's rhythmic typing come to a halt, and you heard a loud, gruff man yell "FATALITY!" from the TV. 

"(n/n), what did you just say?" Your Papa asked. 

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