5. Wool coats and leather jackets

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Elisabeth dropped her head on the bar and groaned. "Oh my Lord. It's him? I swear next time I see him I'll punch him square in the jaw. I bet he's calling to give me intel about the Death Angel case. God, why can't that idiot call at normal business hours. Dammit. I'm not in a sober state, I can't deal with work right now. I'll just call him back tomorrow morning."

Black finished her drink and shrugged.

"Well, I'll pick up then." Lis looked up at her in a panic as she pressed the accept button. "Hey, wrong time buddy. Ask her out tomorrow !"

Elisabeth reached for the phone in swift movement.

"Give me that you bloody pest, being one of my only friends doesn't give you the right to do this."

"Everything okay in there Lizzy B?"

"Yes ! Absolutely ! Nothing wrong ! No worries !"

"You sure beloved ?"

"I swear to God Morningstar, if you call me that again, I'll make sure you can never make a phone call again."

Asterin snatched the phone back and put it on speaker. "Oh do call her that she loves it ! Well on reflection, I don't think she does. Don't call people nicknames unless they want to ! Unless she gives you an embarrassing one as well..." She mumbled. Her thoughts were starting to blur a bit. "Hey why're you calling so late ? Are you psychic ? Lis I think he knows we were talking about him !"

"Zip it Black!"

"Wait, no ! Don't zip it very kind lady, do keep talking this is getting interesting ! She was talking about me ? What were you saying ? Wait, does she talk about me often ?"

"Asterin I swear to God if you answer...."

"Lizzy B I adore you but I'm gonna have to ask you to let the lady answer !"

Asterin was massaging her temples. She was starting to have a bit of a headache.

"Uh well, something about tight leather jackets. Terrible idea by the way, I prefer wool coats. And then there was a part about muscles and dating... oh no wait," she furrowed her eyebrows. "That bit was me."

"Leather jackets ? Lizzy B have you been checking me out ?"

"Absolutely not, why would I ? You're not my type."

"Ouch. That stung. I'm everyone's type."

Another male voice spoke up on the other side of the phone.

"I thought you were calling your little detective friend for intel ? Why are you flirting mate ?"



"Is that Ash? I swear to god it better not be. You're not supposed to meet with him, what good is witness protection programs if you don't follow the rules!"

"Can we get back to the point where we were talking about you checking me out?"

Asterin suddenly straighten herself. "No !" She yelled, drawing the attention of most people in the pub towards them. Lis looked at her in relief, thinking she would back her up about the law.

"You don't understand ! Alcohol is baaad, okay ?" Asterin drawled. "It tastes terrible most of the time, it makes your breath stink and after drinking you can't stop thinking about how Alex looks good in his stupid wool coat !" she cried out. The woman turned towards the phone and pointed her finger at it as if to give it a lesson. "Don't drink alcohol, James and his illegal friend ! It's bad !"

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