Chapter 27 pt. 2

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Heeeeeyyyyyyy I'm back, just like I promised. Okay, I admit I haven't been good on my promises, but at least I had a reason for it. And now that I have the motivation to keep writing the book, I will do so more frequently. Idk how frequently but I'm hoping to get out a new chapter or so every week or 2 weeks. I just got a new job, but idk how long that will last with the coronavirus out and about. Soooooooo


"Gladly." I walk up to the bed and wrap my wrist around his ankle. His eyes widen as he realizes what I'm doing, and a second later, I pull his leg toward me so he lands flat on his back on the bed. When he sits up he pouts at me and I roll my eyes, but a smile still makes it's way onto my face.

"You could've asked nicely," Jesse says as he crosses his arms over his chest, his lips still in a pout.

"But wheres the fun in that? Anywhoozers, we have like..alot to discuss, so..." I look to Isaac with a sheepish smile on my face and he groans.

"Fine. I'ma go get us some food I'll be back in half an hour."

"Oooh food? Can I have a-"

"Not you," Isaac glares at Jess and his pout gets deeper.

Once the door closes, I wait a few seconds before I address my older brother.

"Okaaaaay....sooo....we need to start from the beginning. Three years ago to be exact. Did you know what..he...had done?" I ask him, with no emotion in my voice. Jesse's face gets serious and he clears his throat.

"I didn't I swear. Mom said she didn't know either. I didn't even know you weren't with us until we had finally stopped running and mom brought it up. I immediately said we should go back to look for you but dad said it wouldn't be safe and the wolves probably got you..."

I close my eyes and inhale sharply. Well, they got me alright. Just not the way he wanted them to.

Okay. And what have you been doing since then? For the past few years?

"Oh! Well ya know..the night we got back home, dad packed up and left without another word. Mom and I thought good riddance cuz he didn't even care that you were most likely dead. And well...I mean you're my only sister. I loved...still love you of course but I thought you were dead back then...uh....where I was I going with this....OH!.....So like i was grieving hard core, I wasn't eating or sleeping, I was barely saying a few words to mom a day, and then suddenly I just wouldn't have wanted me to be like this. You were always peppy and hyperactive and never wanted anyone else to be sad. So I started putting myself back together. And to try and keep busy, I even started my own business!"

"You? You're saying you own....a business. Like...a whole business? In what?" I ask shocked. Way back when he was so forgetful and immature....I mean he still seems like that...I didn't think he would ever even get a job.

"I run an ice cream truck."

Well, that does seem more his style.

"Ooh, I see. I really wanna be able to catch up with you, but frankly we don't have time for that. Basically, people have been trying to kill me, but we don't know who. But my instinct says it's to finish off what he started."

"What!?! Why would he even be after you though? Why would he want to do anything to you in the first place?"

"No idea....but I plan to find out. Real soon.."

"Cool! Can I come?" He asks with a hopeful expression.

"No. You'll probably get your self killed if I let you come along."

"Not even! I promise! I'll even do whatever you tell me."

"Nope. Not a chance. You are going to stay here with guards that will make sure you don't go running off."

"Since when did you become so mean," he retorts childishly.

"Since I've grown up." I give him a sickly sweet smile, and then clap my hands once. "But I still have more to discuss with you. So.....actually you know what, the other stuff can wait." In actuality, I heard Isaac coming up the stairs and internally rolled my eyes. 30 minutes my ass. He barely gave me 10.

I count down the seconds before he opens the door, and he does so right after I get to 1, without even knocking. He has 3 bags in his hand, along with a cupholder holding 3 shakes.

My eyes light up at the shakes and I immediately dive for the one closest to me, slurping like a maniac. Okay, that probably sound wrong, but hey don't judge me or my precious milkshakes. They have never done any wrong in the world.

After taking a good few gulps of my shake, I turn to Isaac. "What did you bring? Burgers? Chicken? Is it cake??!?" Being around Jesse even for this little bit of time, has brought back plenty of happy memories. Most of which from when we were both just little kids, and we would both sneak to the kitchen in the middle of the night and eat the left over cake in th fridge. The next day our parents would ask what happened, and we would both say a raccoon must've come in and ate it.

But of course, daddy dearest never believed me, and later when everyone else was gone, he would go grab his belt and whip me till my butt was on the verge of bleeding.

I hadn't noticed a scowl had made it's way onto my face as I recalled those memories, but Isaac did and he smiled, trying to lighten me up. "Even better," he says as he puts down the bags and the cup holder on the dresser. "I brought..." he shakes out all the stuff in one of the brown bags and my eyes light up.


I dive for the candy, but Isaac grabs my waist as I am about to pass him to get to the delectable goodies that lay before me. I look up and pout at him. Why the hell would he stop me from devouring all the wonderful goodness he brought back?

"Not so fast," he chuckles. I squint my eyes at him and wait to hear what he has to say.

But before he can say anything, a loud crash is heard outside.

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