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Chapter 1
Imagine you are five or younger,being ripped from your bed. Imagine watching your family and Neighbors being slaughtered before your eyes. Imagine being thrown in the back of a delivery truck with other girls some older,some not. All you all know is your home is gone and these people in the doll masks have you. Have you heard the story of a group of assassins called the dolls. If not sit down because your about too.

I woke in a cold sweat like I did every morning, since I was taken from home. I still remember my mother's neck being sliced open, her blood sprayed all over my father. I remember the smell of crops and homes being burned. I can still hear the screaming of the people that once lived in the village. I can't remember the name now nor can I see my mother's or father's face. I can't remember what they sounded like or even their names. The only thing I have that links me to them is a hummingbird pendant. It was a gift from my mother I think. I sighed no longer able to lay about in the dark and damp attic that I call my room. I push myself up from the canvas cot I call a bed. Pushing back my thoughts so I could light the almost finished candle. Once lit I Set the candle on the old beat up chestnut vanity. With a sigh I poor some water in the washing bowl looking in the mirror like all the other mornings before. The prson staring back at me was someone that I didn't recognize anymore. My lavender eyes scan over the cream colored skin decorated with scars. This was not the skin of a normal female it was ugly and undesirable. My shoulder length Auburn curly hair was frizzy and sometimes unmanageable. "Who did we used to be? " I asked only to have the question mirrored back. I roll my eyes before giving a sigh of disappointment. I began to perpare for the day putting on my uniform. It was a black leather bodysuit with the sleeves cut off allowing free movement,combat boots with hidden blades in the souls , my brown satchel with a Hummingbird with Holly carved in the leather. I opened it making sure my mask and hummingbird pendant was inside. I turn to leave only to be stopped. "Doll 42 the keeper wants to see you." A woman rudely yells up to me. "Inform her that I am on my way." I said with no emotion while walking past her. "Being the keepers favorite will only do so much for you." The woman said making me stop. "You are nothing more than a lowly maid. You at one time did my work. You are now incapable of any task given by the keeper. You should be grateful she is merciful and gave you a chance. So speak not to me about who has the keepers favor." I said before walking away. I know my place in the world she should know hers. I walk into an old Victorian style mannor located in the compounds center. The old style halls and rooms had Chynna dolls of all shapes ,sizes , and colors scattered throughout looking at the entrance. It had an uneasy feel but I push past it not wanting to be here any longer than necessary. I stepted into the Keepers office no one was inside. This didn't sit well with me while waiting for my master, I remain on gaurd for anything it was no secret many wanted me dead. I was about to sit when the door bursts open to reveal two fellow dolls ready to attack me. 'If it's a fight they want, then a fight they will surly get.' I thought before jumped over the one coming straight for me pulling out my stag knife, plunging it into her back. I kicked her away in time for the other doll to start coming gor me. Blocking all of her punches and kicks turningthis fight into a stand off. "You think your hot shit 42 just because the keeper favors you over all of us."she yells as her moves becoming frantic. The desperate movements told me she was starting to become tired. I knew the voice it was with out a doubt Doll 17. "Look 17 I am not her favorite doll by any means.Yes she assigns me more missions than other dolls. Has it ever crossed that pea you call a mind, THAT MY SKILLS AND HARD WORK LAND ME THOSE MISSIONS! Train and sharpen your skills maybe then you will be chosen more often. *sigh* I also do it so I don't end up like doll 30 over they're bleeding out. So unless you want her to die get her to a medic." I said flipping her over my shoulder braking the woods desk. I hear the crack of ribs and other bones followed by a gasping cough no doubt blood came with it. I was about to help 17 up when the sound of slow clapping fills the silence , I turn to see a small girl no more than ten. She was in a white doll dress that looks almost like that of a ballerina, Her black hair pulled back into a ponytail wrapped with a red ribbon, the child's blue eyes and innocent smile almost made me sick. Knowing full well of the fact this little girl was not innocent by any means. "Well done 42 I knew you could handle them." She said with the voice of a child walking up to 30 who was barely alive. "Finish her 42 I have no use for traitors." She said handing me a letter opener. "I will do as my master requires, without hesitation." I said before driving the thin blade into doll 30's heart. "Go now do the same to 17." She said just as it was with doll 30, I drove the letter opener into 17's heart watching the light leave her eyes. "If they had taken you out they would have come after me 42. They dare do this to me after all I have done for them. This is the thanks I get for giving them a life after their village was destroyed. They would have been left to die if not for me." She growled looking at the two lifeless bodies on the floor. "Well they are nothing like you 42 loyal and brave to the end. This brings me to the reason why you are here. I am promoting you to marionette." She said with glee haveing me go to one knee. "My loyalty to you is absolute to the day I breathe my last breath." I said my head low. She giggles taking my face in her hands. "Don't worry my little doll you are the one I cherish the most." She said with a warm smile before she turned serious."You have a mission in a few days time 42 come to me later for the details, I must get the maids in here to clean this mess up." She said before leaving me as if nothing was a miss. When she walked out of the room the smell of blood made me feel sick. This is the life of a doll death and destruction, we are and always will be no one.
I stood up looking down at the two young women. They didn't deserve to die like that. I couldn't do anything about it though orders are orders. I thought walking threw the Victorian home and out to the main living area. Well if someone can even call it that crumbling old structures you could call houses. If you were lucky to get one that is, one have to sleep on the cold ground dying due to starvation or illness. On the outside we all look like normal people, The same can not be said about the inside. Due to the treatment we received on first arriving, some went mad lossing themselves to this place. I guess if you are broken you are easily molded to fit their needs. When first arriving here they strip you of all your clothing and shove us in a dark room. You would not receive food,water,or even see the light of day for what seemed like months. They called this 'thinning the herd' so many have died in that room, They are the lucky ones in my opinion because they escaped this hell. The dolls who brought you in collected the bodies, they would be given to the dogs as chew toys. The sound of ripping flesh and snapped bones, knowing you could be next only served to mess with your mind. This sick and twisted cycle went on till ther was a handful of you left fifteen or so. You thought what you already endored up to this point was sick, oh honey you haven't seen nothing yet. They would have you fight each other to the death. The girls you possibly grew up with now mentally twisted. You fear of being put back in that dark room or, you fear being killed knowing no one would care. This would go on till five of you are left from the batch. The five you are then given a number, this number was your identity from that moment on. None of us here remember what are name was ,all we know how to do is kill and pretend to be someone else. You get go numb after some time passes. It's not an ideal life but it is the one we live.

Doll 42Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя