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I wake up in a old tent by the sound of people I hear outside talking. "Lilly regardless if she is your sister or not. She is one of them Lilly and you set her in the middle of a safe camp. She was trained and brainwashed by them. I want you to take her back to where she was." A elder man's voice boomed threw my aching head. "But master Hiru she had flashbacks on the way here. My sister is still in that shell. It was not her fault she became this way. She saved me when we were children and our village was being burned to the ground. She hid me away so they could not find me. Sh-" Lilly was cut off by the old man."SHE IS GONE LILLY WAKE UP YOU STUPID CHILD! THAT WAS HER LAST ACT OF LOVE AS A HUMAN BEFORE, THEY GOT THEIR CLAWS INTO HER! NOW YOU WILL DO AS I SAY GOT IT PATHETIC GIRL!" The elder yells making my blood boil. Without thinking I cuts threw the tent fabric of the tent. I was on the man blade to his throat. "You shall not refer to me as one of them. I don't enjoy killing never did. I now know why I never truly let go. He is right though Lilly saving you was at the time , my last human act. I will do this one more time Lilly ,I need you to stay away from me. I will say I killed you and find a girl that looks similar and kill her. The next time we meet I can not say it will end the same. I am happy you are alive but keep your head down." I said before slitting the mans throat running off to the forest. I hear Lilly calling after me but it unfortunately has to be this way.

It's been a few weeks since then, I killed a farm girl and said it was Lilly. The doll keeper was pleased and made me second in command. The highest a doll can go in rank before the elite ranks. I should be excited about this however, I find myself at night wondering about her. "Why does this feel so wrong?" I asked myself not realizing someone was behind me.
"42 the keeper wants to see you" a voice came behind me. I look over my shoulder away from knitting. "Tell her I will be there soon." I said before knitting again. "Now 42." The maid demands forgetting her place. I throw a knitting needle jabbing her eye. "I am second in command ,so it is I who does the demanding you useless bitch." I growl at the maid cowaring in fear. I am no fool I too am replaceable, that doesn't mean I won't put up a fight. The girls here out number the doll keeper and her black dolls. The black dolls are the secret handful that take on more gruesome missions. They are the real monsters here and I highly doubt they know what humanity is anymore. That is the next promotion in the ranks for me. I don't want to be one of them but I have no choice. It is up to the keeper and her family. As I stated before I am no one of importance and never will be. Not wanting to waist any more time on the pathetic welp on the floor, I headed out to see what my master wanted. Walking into the doll keep's office I kneel and greet her. "Thank you for coming 42. I know you are still recovering from your last mission. Let me introduce you to my Aunt Agatha. You are to be her escort to the Rukel ball. She is not safe from the radicals. Given the state of the many camps found, they are growing in size. The Sevron have been dispatched to handle this quietly. Let's hope the lazy boards do thier job this time, I don't appreciate cleaning up thier mess." My master said motioning her hand so , I could look over at the snob queen bitch. She had blonde hair that spilled over her shoulders, green eyes, red lips, pale skin. She was in a black cocktail dress that was way to short, for a woman I believe to be in her sixties. She dresses like a woman in her twenties, it's disgraceful and I hope she gets a wake-up call soon."Natalie dear why are you sending me to a party with a monster?" She said with a tone equally as snobby as her looks. "Lady Agatha if this is what my master thinks my guarding you is a good idea, then it is not your place to question. It is your place to thank her because no one messes with a doll." I said getting in her face. "As you can see 42 is my favorite doll, and the most loyal.She is right for the job Agatha that is final." She said her face blank but in her eyes I see a killer." Very well Natalie dear if this savage is your choice, then 42 pack your bags we leave in a few hours." She said pushing me aside leaving the room. "42 my Aunt Agatha is a known radical sympathizer. I suspect none of them are after her like she claims. 42 my aunt is a traitor to the country and with a heavy heart, I want you to silence her anyway you wish. 42 I know the tasks you are given are sick but it is why you exist. I know you can do this. I wish I could make you a member of my family but it is impossible. Be careful out there come home safe my doll." She said taking my face in her hands. Her face turns to cold anger. "Do not fail me 42 I trust you will do as you are told." I nod unable to say anything.

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