Chapter 39

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                     Mehek watched Shaurya knelt near his mother's bed. He held her hands while both of them were weeping. Although Mehek could neither forgive nor forget Karuna's ill deeds, she understood there was no point holding grudge against her. She is now in her death bed, counting last hours of her life, while suffering a painful ailment. The best pay back from Mehek was to provide her with a peaceful departure. Karuna Khanna's punishment has been executed by Almighty and Mehek had no role in it anymore. Mehek walked away before Karuna sensed her presence. She didn't know how she will react if Karuna begged of forgiveness or thanked her for bringing back Shaurya

"Thanks Mehek", Vicky squeezed her palms. Mehek teased him, "So no more Bhabhi-callings". He shook his head, "Your place in my heart can never be undone. But it is evident that you are no longer by sis-in-law", he sadly looked at her, "if you allow then you can consider me as a brother, just like Mohit". Mehek nodded, feeling content. She connected more to Vicky than she ever to Nehal. "I got the best doctors for Bhai. He will be better in no time", Vicky told Mehek proudly. She nodded, "Vicky, I may not have any claim but want to remind you that more than any treatment or professional what Shaurya needs is his family. You have a bigger role to play in his life than outside help". Vicky smirked and Mehek understood the irony. It may have sounded like pure hypocrisy. She was advising Vicky while abandoning Shaurya. But she didn't allow guilt to seep in and stood rooted to her decision

A month passed since Mehek left Shauyra at Khanna mansion. As promised, she remained as a good friend for Shaurya. Although miles away, through phone calls and mails, she helped him. Shaurya never tried to enter back to Mehek's life and she didn't invite him either. She motivated him to take therapy regularly and boosted his confidence whenever he felt low. They both were content with their new found comradeship. 

Adoption procedures went smoothly and Yuvaan was bestowed in Mehek's care. Soon Mehek got busy in her newly found motherhood. Handling a child was nothing as she had expected nevertheless she enjoyed every moment of it. Finally it was time for her join back to her office. She had exhausted her adoption leaves and was a bit wary to join back office. Her career was important but like any young mother she was diffident to leave her child. Yasmin Aunty helped her to employ a nanny who would take care of Yuvaan during day time. While Mehek & Yasmin was trying to get Yuvaan comfortable with Nanny, Mehek received a call.

"Maasi, it was Vicky", Mehek told softly, "Karuna Khanna passed away last night". Yasmin closed her eyes and prayed for her soul. "Don't you want to go and pay respects to her?", she asked Mehek. When Mehek came back and narrated the truth,  Yasmin agreed that Karuna just deserved her pity and not vengeance. She believed that one cannot keep grudges with the dead. Mehek was unsure and moreover she couldn't leave Yuvaan behind.

@Khanna Mansion. A week passed since Karuna Khanna passed away. All rites & rituals were done and Khanna mansion was now devoid of guests & relatives. Shauyra finally felt a bit of peace. It was hard to avoid inquisitive glares and cunning probes of people. Vicky had informed Mehek and she had called Shaurya many times to ensure that he is doing fine. Mehek being honest didn't express fake condolences but prayed that Karuna's soul rest in peace. He knew Mehek will not visit them but wished she was here with him. She had promised to be a good friend and remained true to her words. "Shaurya", Mehek's soft voice surprised him.

They sat in silence but it was far more consoling for him rather than any hollow condolences from others. He felt happy that Mehek made him come back and he could spend time with his mother during her last days. Else it would have been another burden for his soul. Mehek was also relieved that she reconnected a son to his mother and Karuna left the words without any sadness. 

"I need to leave by evening flight", Mehek told slowly, "I left Yuvaan with his caretaker for the day so need to reach before night". "How is he?", Shaurya asked eagerly. Mehek smiled, "he is good. Very naughty but also loving. I am so happy to have him". "I can see that Mehek", he gazed at Mehek's face as if trying to capture her real smile. His fingers itched to touch an unruly strand of hair that rubbed her cheek. But he restrained.

 "I am also going back to ancestral home", Shaurya informed. Mehek was shocked hearing it, "What about your treatment?". He smiled, "I will probably continue it there". Mehek knew the undercurrent in his statement. The word probably means he may not. With death of his mother, he had again lost direction in his life. In this pace, he will soon relapse into addiction.

"Vicky, how could you allow Shaurya to leave?", Mehek stormed into his study where he was working along with Nehal. He quickly kept the laptop away and tried reply calmly, "He is not a child whom I can control". "If he leaves now, for sure he will fall back", Mehek was aghast. Vicky looked away to hide his feelings but quickly retorted, "You have no idea how difficult it is to manage him. Any small matter could trigger him. And guess what? His anger is always targeted on Nehal".

Nehal quickly tried to stop him but he continued, "I know everything Nehal so please don't interrupt and try to cover for Bhai", he turned to Mehek, "Nehal had suffered enough. It needs to end. Besides, I am not a person who can tolerate my wife being ill-treated". "Your wife is the very reason, me & Shauyra are suffering", Mehek was having a tough time to control her anger. "She was just a pawn. The mastermind was Karuna Aunty. You all have forgiven her but still not Nehal. I wonder why", Vicky was vehement,"does she need to die for earning your forgiveness?"

Mehek could see his point. "Why don't you ask Shaurya to join office? Once he is engaged in work, he will be better". Vicky smirked, "He is no longer the Shaurya Khanna. He is too diffident to even face a team of employees". "I am not asking to give back his same designation, Vicky. Start with a smaller project", Mehek suggested. "I proposed the same and was ready to move him to our penthouse. But he got angry and decided to leave", Vicky told angrily. "Vicky, you may have offended his feelings. He may have felt to be cornered and removed. Try a bit harder to help him", Mehek was highly disappointed in Vicky. "It's easy for you to preach while sitting afar. I did my best and cannot do any further. If you are so concerned then try on your own. I guarantee that within a week you will give up", he challenged her.

"Pack your bags", Mehek ordered as she stormed into Shaurya's room. "Why? ", he asked being baffled. "You are coming with me", she told while pulling out his clothes. "Why?", he asked again. "To get better", she looked at him, "I will help you to get a job and continue your therapy. It may not be great but better than going back to your drug den". Shaurya still didn't move from his position. "Why?", he asked again. "Don't you have any other question to ask rather than WHY?", she got irritated by him. 

He smiled softly. "Mehek, I am no longer your responsibility. You did more than enough for me. You have Yuvaan and a job to manage. So go back to them. I will be fine on my own", he told again. Mehek pulled out his suitcase forcefully, "I don't like to be challenged, Shaurya. I want to show your good for nothing brother and two goody shoes sis-in-law that I can do better". "You don't have to", he told her plainly. Mehek sighed and came beside, "Even my Maasi needn't have to help me. But she did and never expected anything in return. Perhaps now it is my turn to do the same"

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