Chapter Eight

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Hey, y'all! So glad I can update again so quickly; I had loads of time to write this weekend because of Thanksgiving break. Unfortunately school is up again and just as awful as usual, so time might be less...but I'm (very ambitiously) currently planning (hoping) to finish the book by Christmas so yeah, expect frequent updates. Hopefully! Pray I can! Anyway, please enjoy this chapter and please shoot me a comment! I love reading what you think :)

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Eight

When we arrived home, my dad got out of the car without a word and went into the house. Dragging my bag, I followed him through the back door into the kitchen, where my mom was supervising Cassidy's easy-bake oven. Still in his soccer uniform, Caleb sat slumped at the table with his hands wrapped around a protein shake.

"How was your game?" my dad asked him after he'd kissed my mom hello.

Caleb shrugged one shoulder, his grey eyes stormy. Mom touched my dad's shoulder, shaking her head discreetly, and my dad reached out to ruffle Caleb's sandy hair, saying, "It's just your first game, son, don't worry."

I dumped my bag on the floor, resisting the urge to kick it. After having a silent conversation with Mom through eye contact, my dad said something about changing into work clothes before leaving the room. I opened the fridge, hoping for the leftover of Caleb's shake, and my mom handed me one before I could ask.

"And how was your game, dear?" she asked, catching Cassidy's hand as she tried to dump too much flour into her batter. "Your father told me you won. Score any goals?"

"Three, actually," I said, sucking my straw. "I'm glad someone cares."

Mom gave me a funny look, but at that moment Caleb said in a grouchy voice, "No one asks because we all know you did fantastic. You'd probably let us know eventually anyway."

I stared at him. "What'd I ever do to you?"

"See?" He glowered at my mom. "I told you he wouldn't even remember."

"Now, Caleb —" she began, but he didn't let her finish. Getting to his feet, he dropped his shake on the counter and slouched out of the kitchen after giving me one last glare. We heard his feet stomping on the stairs and his bedroom door slam a moment later.

Looking to my mom for explanation, I asked, "What's up with him?"

"He's super mad at you," Cassidy informed me, up to her elbows in her secret recipe. "I think he's never going to talk to you ever again."

"Well, that wouldn't exactly be a bad —"

Mom gave me a stern look, cutting me off. "Danny, be nice, please. And, Cassidy, please mind your own business, honey." After making sure my little sister wasn't going to make something explode in her oven, she took my arm and pulled me out of earshot of Cassidy. "Caleb told me you promised to practice with him yesterday. Is that true?"

I almost spit out my shake. "Oh, crap."

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