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Dani is back downstairs after putting Claire to bed.

"I'm sorry for earlier, really" she sounded genuinely sorry. "It was childish of me"

I smiled at her "its okay, I forgive you"

She smiled back warmly and it made my heart melt.

We kept staring at each other for some time till we heard a little squeal.

Our heads snapped to the direction of the noise.


I totally forgot those two idiots are here.

I saw mom glare at Sam, and if looks could kill she'd be six feet under.

"Did you have to ruin the damn moment!" Mom hissed at her.

Then she realized we are listening "the movie's best moment and you ruined it"

Yeah the movie mom.

Such a little liar.

"Well then let's go back to the movie" Dani tried to not let mom kill Sam. Nice try Dani but she is dead anyway.

"Yeah let's do it" Sam said feeling happy she was given a chance to survive.

Half way throughout the movie I felt a hand on mine.
I wonder who's hand.

Note sarcasm.

I looked at Danielle's direction "thank you" she whispered. I gave her a confused look "For forgiving me" she smiled.

"Of course, and how can you live without my forgiveness" I smiled back cockily.

She rolled her eyes playfully "whatever don't get ahead of yourself"

"You don't even have to warn me" I grinned.

"Ugh the how much I want to slap that smug off your face" she mumbled under her breath.

We got our attention back to the movie, my heart still pounding so fast.

Ugh, slow down, they are gonna hear you.

As if it heard me, it started going faster.

Actually no, it was because Danielle's hand was still on mine.

I was struggling to breath, so I slowly got up "where are you going?" Dani asked.

"Drink some water and I'll be back" thank god it was dark so she won't see my tomato face.

Just before I turn, I swear I saw her eyes color change, but as quick as it came, it was gone.

Maybe I was dreaming things.

I really need that cup of water.

When I walked back to the living room, I saw only Danielle on the couch. "Where are them?" I asked confused.

She rolled her eyes " they were 'too tired' and ran upstairs, and I mean really run"

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

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