Chapter 1 - Introduction

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So this is my brand new story that I came up with and had to start writting for all of you. This is not a fanfiction, but i hope you still take interest in it! This is a short short chapter, but I promise the next chapter will be longer! so please Enjoy!! 

It was November 21st when they found my body. I've been dead for 2 days now. Some skiers stumbled upon my body a few hours ago. Those poor people, scared for life. I was beautiful, but my body now is bloody frozen and unrecognizable. The police still don't know who I am, and my parents still have the fragment of hope that I'm alive. I wish to shout at the police. Tell them who I am, but I learnt hours after I died that it wouldn't work. They can't hear me. I'm dead.  

I'm Ashley Taylor, well I was. Now they refer to me as 3314-laot2-009. But I like being called 33. I was murdered 2 days ago. Now unlike most stories you read about murdered teenage girls, I know my murderer. I could tell you who the person is, but where's the fun in that?  
After hours and hours of trying to figure out the mystery of who this mangled murdered girl was, the police concluded it was me. I asked the person, who I guess controls us dead people, if I could watch my parents reaction.  
I was granted 1 hour, in what you would call spirit, to watch. Here we call it a reflection of ourselves. I was dreading this moment. How would you feel if you were watching your parents find out you were dead? Pretty horrible.  

I stood on the street as the police car pulled out in front of my home. The officer slowly got out of his car dreading the fact he had to be the one to tell. I wonder what horrible thing this man has done to be the one to tell a family their daughter was murdered. I felt a slight shiver when the blonde haired man walked thru my figure. That's the truth to what happens when a human walks thru a 'spirit'. We don't vanish, or turn funny colours. No bullshit, just a shiver. 

Their reactions were horrible. My father comforted my mother while she grieved in front of the officer. That must be awkward. I know that while I stand here I should feel some kind of feeling, but because this is the after-life and everything is supposed to be happy. All my bad feelings were token away. 

I followed the car as they drove off, where was this man going?  

We ended up at an interview room. I had 45 minuets left, so this better be good. We walked into one room, the man had a folder. A lady walked behind him, she had jet black hair, and piercing blue eyes. I found her quite intimidating.  

"So, I'm going to assume that you know why you're here. You must also know your rights, and one of them is that you are aloud to walk out this door anytime you want. But let's cut to the chase, we want to know what you were doing the night of Ashley Taylor's murder. And make it good boy" The man barked. 

Who was he talking to? My eyes drifted towards the figure sitting across from them. I immediately  recognized the tangled mess of curls. I knew all too well who this man was. 

It was my boyfriend, Luke Greyson, and this is his alibi. 

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