Chapter 2

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"Luke, I know this is tragic, but we need extreme detail" the male officer told Luke, looking him dead in the eyes 

I'm sorry for the past 2 days I've been doing too many dead puns. I need to stop. 

"Well sir, we'll need to start 2 weeks ago." Luke replied in a cocky tone, staring directly in the officer's eyes. I could tell Luke wasn't in the mood for this. Why should he be? 

**2 weeks earlier** 
Luke's POV  

Friday November 7th. 

My alarm clock beeped, clanged, and screamed. Automatically I slammed the snooze button. 

It was finally Friday, but that didn't mean I wanted to go to school. God no, the only reason I actually went to that hell hole was for her. The love of my life. Ashley Thompson. She's head cheerleader, honor student, the most beautiful girl in school, but most importantly mine. She was mine. How I ended up with her was beyond me, but I'd serve my whole life just to have her beside me.  

I lay there with probably the cheesiest grin on my face. I knew today was going to be a good day. I was going to ask Ashley to be my Winter Formal date today, but I'm pushing it till Monday. Make Monday worth going, and I'm also too chicken to ask her today.  

My alarm went off again, snapping me out of my day dreams.  

"Luke you better be out of that bed, or I'll whip you outta it young man" I heard my mother scream thru my door.  

The sound of my rickety door covered my loud groan I would've gotten yelled at for. She would've yelled in my face something like "Don't give me that attitude young man" or "Don't you dare do that again or I'll fucking give you something to moan about". Trust me been there, done that.  

With my mother yelling at how terrible of a person I am, I slowly got ready for school, her words draining any ambition I had to actually start today. 

People could be the source of your happiness, or the source of your pain. In my life the two most important people in my life filled those shoes, one each. 

I gulped my cereal down, and slid out the door. Literally slid, then fell. But let's not talk about that.  
The walk to my bus stop was cold. I waiting for a long 10 minutes for the damn bus to pick me up. Then the bus driver gave me shit for taking to long to get on the bus. Ironic isn't it? I have to accept the fact that he can be late and make me wait, but it doesn't work the other way around.  

Once I was at school, I walked the route to my locker, saying hi to almost everyone that passed me.  

I'm what you call popular. Lots of friends, tons of parties, loads of girls. The girls part didn't matter though, I have Ashley.  

"What-sa matter man? Can't figure out your combo?" I heard Rick call from behind me watching me fail at opening my locker for the third time. The smell of booze lingering in the air. 

"Woah dude, are you drunk? I could smell you from down the hallway" I ask, giving up on my lock. I don't need a binder for math anyways, she only hands out sheets of work. 

Rick looked at me and plastered a smile across his face. This meant he was drunk, and at that moment I wished I was too. By the smell I could tell he was drinking whiskey, not a good choice for school. 

Rick and I started walking towards math. I looked around everywhere, and asked a lot of people, but no one knew where Ashley was. I didn't think much of it. 

"Take a drink, you look like you need some" Rick slurred, while shoving his blue plastic bottle in my face.  

That bottle was his signature. Everyone knew there was alcohol in his system when he carried it. 

I practically ripped the bottle out of his hands, chugging the toxic drink. The burning of the alcohol started on my tongue, then my throat, and the familiar warmth spread throughout my stomach. A smile slowly creped across my face from the addicting feeling of the alcohol.  

"Ah, see? Told yeah you needed some, always helps." Rick laughed.  

I returned his drink back to his hands, before turning into math class. Almost all our assigned seats were filled when we entered. Except hers. Where was Ashley? 

The deafening bell rang throughout the school signaling that classes started. An announcement came throughout the PA system saying there will be no national anthem. I took my seat beside hers.  

"Where is she?" A blonde girl who sat behind me asked, motioning towards Ashley's empty seat beside me. 

I shrugged my shoulders before asking her for a pencil and paper. She handed me the items, and we both continued writing the note the teacher already started. 

Once the note was finished, the lights turned back on. I rubbed my eyes from the burning of the light change. 

Out of nowhere a loud bang echoed thru the classroom, and the door swung open. A dark flash of hair was all I saw until she spoke. 

"Hey sorry I'm late, I didn't really want to come" Ashley joked, giving the teacher a bright smile.  

Ashley had a way with people, she knew how to say something rude but make it more joking. The teachers understood it, I understood it, our friends understood it. It was just who she was.  

"Don't smile so big you creep" Ashley laughed while swatting my arm.  

"I'm the creep? You were the one watching me-" I spoke before her hand smacked over top of my mouth.  

She held it there to make sure I couldn't finish my story. I darted my tongue out, and licked her hand in attempt to free my mouth. It didn’t work  

"You licking my hand won't work" She smiled. 

Eventually she removed her hand, and I didn't try to finish my delightful story of the night before. We joked, and laughed, and actually did some work.  

Soon the class was over, and it was on to my next class, then lunch.  

Lunch couldn't have came soon enough. I stood by my old run-down locker. After 5 or so minutes, I saw a glimpse of Ashley's fair skin and blue sweater come walking towards me. 

"Ready for lunch?" she asked. 

"Sure, what's the plan for today?" I replied. 

"I've got a great surprise, you able to take the rest of the day off?" She giggled, swinging her bag off her shoulders. 

I nodded, I had a system on how to skip school without being caught. 

She opened her bag, and the familiar smell escaped. A baggie of pot was pulled out of her flower patterned bag. My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. She quickly zipped up the bag once she realized she smell was distinct.  

We aren't waked out stoners, or ridiculous alcoholics. We just like to have fun. Pot was a rare occasion for us. We liked it that way. It kept the good times great. 

I smiled, knowing exactly how this day would end. Or so I thought. 

**Author's Note**  

So this chapter was a little longer. I hoped you enjoyed it. This is pretty much a filler. The next chapter will be more exciting, and you'll learn more about Ashley and her relationship. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2014 ⏰

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