cp3: Rooftop

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Taeyhung just arrived at his getaway place. It was a rooftop where he was coming with his mom when they still used to be there for each other. 

He quietly opened the door and saw a figure of a man sitting on a bench where Taehyung used to sit. 

'' Who is that, I've never saw anyone here before '' he thought and decided to approach the guy 

While Jungkook was deep in his thoughts he felt someone sit next to him. He turned toward the figure and saw he would say a walking masterpiece. The guy was not saying anything, he was just looking at the front. Jungkook would usualy yell at him but this time, something about that guy next to him was telling him not to. 

It was a peacefull between the two and Jungkook couldn't help but to steal a few glances at the man. Can you blame him, the guy is unreal. But he decided to look at the front. 


Tae- You know my grandma used to tell me that If you say to a stranger what is bothering you, you will feel much better. So spill it 

Taehyung said without looking at Jungkook but after hearing his voice he couldn't help but to look

Jungkook- Is that so......

Taehyung was stunned 

Tae- Yeah...

Jungkook- Are you sure?

Taehyung just nodded

Jungkook- My dad wants me to break up with my boyfriend, like can you believe that. Just because he doesn't like him, sometimes I just don't get it. I'm 25 and I've never did anything like for me you know. It was always what he wants. And Jimin, he is just sometimes ughhh I don't know....

Tae- That's your boyfriend? 

Jungkook- Yeah but sometimes he acts like we are not together.....this is crazy I just wanted someone who will understand me for once and look what I've got......

Jungkook bitterly chuckled 

Jungkook- Sorry about that

Taehyung couldn't explain why but he felt really bad for the guy

Tae- Let me make you feel better.

Taehyung said

Tae- My father wants me to marry some guy I don't even know just because he will be able to expand his job and yeah.. You're still good

Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes, his problem felt so small in compare to the problem of this guy 

Jungkook- Oh God.....and what will you do? 

Tae- I said yes

He said in a calm tone making Jungkook quite confused 

Jungkook- But didn't you said that you don't know the guy. Why would you do that to yourself. I mean you will marry someone you don't love.....What if you fall in love with someone else in the mean time? 

Jungkook was so into the story of this guy 

Tae- I really do believe that every person gets to have one true love in their lives. I already had mine so....

Few tears fell down Taehyung's face and Jungkook couldn't help but to stare at him

'' He is so beautiful even when he is crying....how'' He thought 

Tae- Besides this is my only chance to get away from my so called father. 

He wiped his tears and took a breath in

Tae- You know I think that my grandma was right. I really do feel better.

Jungkook- Yeah me too. Thank you.

Tae- For what

He asked, his eyes still teary

Jungkook- Because you were listening.

Taehyung suddenly stood up

Tae- I really hope that things will get better for you. Don't get me wrong but at least your dad cares about you.

Jungkook stood up too

Jungkook- I really wish that I could say the same to you I just....

Tae- Hey it's okay you know people gets used to everything. Anyways I gotta go.

Jungkook- Hey but tell me your name at least....

Jungkook said in almost a pleading tone and first time Taehyung smiled.

Tae- Remember....strangers....you know...let's not dissapoint my grandma yeah?

Both chuckled

Jungkook- I really hope to see you again.

Jungkook sincerely said

Suddenly he was pulled in a hug which made him froze on his spot. Taehyung's hands were around his neck and he was hugging him like his life was depending on it.

Tae- I'm sorry....

He tried to pull away when Jungkook's hands found their place on Taehyung's waist pulling him closer.

They stayed like that for a few minutes. No one wanted to pull away but after all they are just strangers.

Both pulled away and Jungkook took Taehyung's hands in his

Because in this moment his feelings for Jimin were forgotten.

Jungkook- I wish I had met you before.

He suddenly said.

Taehyung looked at their hands than at Jungkook and sadly smiled

Tae- Goodbye

Moment later he was gone.

In that moment none of them knew that they will be more than just a strangers in the future.


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