Chapter 11 - Baby

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"What... Are those..." I asked, completely baffled.

"Battle suits," Huck proclaimed very proudly. "These are my babies and I am their papa." He walked over to the grotesque looking suit and patted its arm. They were huge. At least two and a half metres tall, all made out of brown iron. A metal net was covering where the heads of the people steering them would be.

"Don't ever refer to yourself as 'papa' again," Dy said and joined Huck in front of one the suits. "So, how do they work?"

"Do you really wanna know, or do you wanna know what they can do?"

Dy snorted.

"Thought so. They have a maximum speed of 40km per hour. So they're awesome for speed. And then they have these built in weapons. Like this big-ass gun." He patted the arm. Or what was probably supposed to be an arm. Instead it looked more like a canon.

"They can crush a person if they hit true."

"I think they are scary," Barr murmured and glanced down at me. "I think this Huck is crazy."

I couldn't help but smile. "You're right about both."

Both Barr and I approached the suits with more caution than Dy and Huck.

"So what I'm thinking is these babies will be what gives us an edge."

"How long have you been working on these?" Dy asked and ran her fingers over the massive gun-arm.

"A couple of years, give or take. The first one didn't work properly, so I kept working. Anyways, I sent the blueprints to a friend at the factory here and they mass produced them. I mean, they started when the explosion happened in Andahavn. I don't know. I had a bad feeling about it and so did my friend."

"Who's this friend then?" Dy glanced down at her friend.

"Uhm, he's just a friend."

"Uh huh. Then why are your cheeks all dark?"

"They're not!"

Dy circled her arm around Huck's neck and brought him close, grinding her knuckle into his head. "Tell me who it is so I can ask him out on a date for you."

"Dy! No! Let go!"

Another person entered the factory but neither Dy nor Huck noticed. He was a very large man and Barr's eyes widened in awe. He grabbed my arm and kept staring at the man.

"Is that one of your mythical creatures?"

"Uh, no. I think that's just a regular lad." I glanced back at the man and waved a little at him.

"Hey, I heard you guys were here. Looking at Huqqa's creation, huh?" He smiled and came to us, holding his hand out. I grabbed it with my metal one and he looked down, his smile widening. "Damn, no matter how many times I see Huqqa's work, I'm always amazed. That's a piece of art."

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