9. A new beginning.

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Three years later.

Tyler Al-Din raised his glass.
"A toast to the new newlyweds."
All those present sounded cheerfully their glasses.
Tyler leaned over to Nathan emptying his champagne glass in a gulp.
"I'm very happy for Eric and Bahir, but actually I expected you and Tarek to be the first to get married."
Across the table, he looked lovingly at his own husband, who was talking to Bahir with amusement.
"I've been married almost a year now and I can recommend it to anyone."
Nathan looked at him sourly.
"Did you think I haven't already asked him 100 times?"
Tyler frowned.
"Do you know why he refuses?"
Nathan cleared his throat and nodded towards the main table where Eric's proud parents received the congratulations.

"Since the negotiations started on gay rights within the family, a lot has changed. Progress has been made in maintaining status and guaranteeing inheritance, but relationships are only tolerated. Bahir's family is missing because they don't support his choice."
"But Gaith..."
Nathan raised his hand.
"Bahir's decision to marry Eric is a step too far. Gaith has no option but to turn his back on his grandson in public."
Tyler took a shocked breath.
"How awful."

His gaze slipped through the room looking and found Tarek talking to a heavily pregnant Fleur.
"Is that the reason? His family?"
The flash of despair and pain in Nathan's eyes made him very sad.
Jared had made the choice between his family and the man he loved. It cost him his status, reputation and legacy, but Tyler never caught him regretting his choice. Actually, it was more the opposite. Jared was now free to devote his whole being to the life he had built for himself.

This was different for Tarek. Where Jared had always sought his own identity, Tarek had completely mirrored the wishes of his family and especially his grandfather. Thanks in part to his permission, Tarek had dared to move in with Nathan.
"I love Tarek, but it pains me to think he's only with me because grandfather allows it," Nathan confessed.

Tyler was thinking.
"What if you had an opportunity to be together, but apart from the family?"
Blue eyes spread wide open. Tyler was a good friend. He wouldn't offer anything if it didn't have solid ground.
"Tell me."
"Jawdat has been whining for a long time about that oil well I've taken out of the family's property. I have turned it into a non-profit organization so that the income is fully spent on charity. It is a big project and needs to be built from the ground up. We are still looking for a director who wants to take on this enormous task. That person will also be given a free hand in where the head office of the organization is located."
"Seriously?!" cried Nathan incredulously. "That would be perfect for him. For us."
Tyler grinned broadly.
"If it takes Jawdat off my back, I'll be forever grateful. On top of that, you're good friends. I feel privileged to play a small role in your happy future."

Tyler looked over his shoulder and caught a look from Tarek towards Fleur's belly. It was a look he recognized. Desire.
"Have you ever talked about children?" he gently inquired.
He could see that this question completely blindsided Nathan.
"No, not really."
"Then maybe it's time to stir up the subject," he said with a nod to Tarek, who now had two hands on Fleur's bulging belly sporting a broad grin.
Jared beckoned him to the dance floor.
"My husband wants to dance with me," he said standing from the table.
"Talk to him, Nathan. Jawdat is aware of all the details."
Nathan got up and gave him half a hug.
"Thank you, Tyler."

He waited patiently for Tarek to return to their table.
"It was so great, Nathan. I felt Fleur's baby kicking," Tarek said sitting next to him.
"Do you want kids?" popped out of Nathan's mouth.
He was startled by the expression on Tarek's face. His smile fell so hard it was almost painful. The man looked like he could burst into tears at any moment.
"Is that why you don't want to marry me? Because I can't give you children?" insisted Nathan, overwhelmed with emotion.

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