chapter 30

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Friday, May 8th, 2020

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Friday, May 8th, 2020

Eighteen. The last age my brother was before he died.

I was officially the same age as him. I was officially the same age as my older brother.

Nix would have been nineteen late last month but I'd ignored it. I'd completely ignored his birthday and had been fine to go about my day.

But today, this feels different. I didn't think that I'd care. I didn't think that something like this would affect me at all.

My parents had bought me a new charm for my bracelet. A small, silver, champagne bottle. It was to celebrate turning eighteen. But I didn't feel like celebrating.

Kennedy had already ambushed me with a million texts wishing me the happiest of birthdays. The rest of the group had quickly followed suit.

My parents had let me have the day off school which I was surprised about. But I wasn't complaining. I didn't feel like facing everyone today. I'd have enough time facing them all tonight at the barbecue that I really didn't want to go to.

I could hear them both downstairs right now, talking loudly. It was almost 6:30 and I needed to start walking over to Harry's soon.

Surprisingly, both my parents had been okay with the idea but they'd told me I had to text them when I got there and when I was leaving. And my curfew was eleven-thirty. I almost told them that I was eighteen now but I knew today was just as hard on them as it had been for me.

I didn't know how dressed up I was supposed to be for this. I mean, it was just a barbecue. But what did I even wear to a barbecue?

I wanted to impress Harry's family as well. I know it sounded stupid but this was the one thing I could control. I couldn't control what happened in the future, but at least for now, I could control what they thought of me and how they saw me.

I scramble through my closet, throwing out jeans and jumpers and t-shirts. My floor was officially a mess and I hated nothing more than having a messy room.

By the time I finally decide on a casual wrap dress with a denim jacket, I'm running twenty minutes late.

I dive under my bed, reaching for my converse. I grab my phone, quickly brush my hair and apply another layer of lip gloss.

My phone begins to vibrate in my hand and I curse. It's Kennedy.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. Tell Harry, I'll be there soon."

"Actually, could you maybe just—"

"Yes, I'm coming right now!" I cut her off, hanging up before she lectures me.

I shout goodbye to my parents before running down the street towards the Coleman household.

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