Chapter Five

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"THEY CAN'T FORCE me to be there, do they?"

Sam's laughter bounced across the walls of the small ranch as he watched the waging battle between myself and my closet of meager clothing.

Tonight was the dinner with Robin and her family. It was something I was not looking forward to. Imagine sitting at table with people that barely knew you, the only source of distraction being the food laid out on plates between you. With Maru, the bright girl who I scared off after threatening Alex in front of her. With Robin, the woman who only felt inclined to invite me after my witness of her outburst. With her husband Demetrius who no doubt would engage me in a conversation about quantum physics. And Sebastian... well, he was something else no words could really describe.

I didn't know these people, save for their names and what little actions I've seen them do around town.

And still, I felt the need to come prepared. It was like I was back in the city again, nervousness building up before me as I awaited a business meeting full of men and women in lavish suits and cunning smiles.

"Seriously, Farm Girl. Don't stress over it. I've been to Seb's house all the time!"

Blonde hair came into my view and there was Sam, leaning against my closet with his all-knowing look on his face. He sure loved to see me struggle.

"Why weren't you invited then?" I huffed out, throwing back a blue blazer into the closet. Too formal.

"Robin is smart to know that whenever Sebastian and I are together, bad things always happen," he said and added, "our countless community hours says much."

Just the thought of both the boys shovelling dirt outside of Mr. Lewis's house was an image that pushed back some stress to the back of my mind.

"You better help me figure out what to wear," I said to Sam. And he did.

Honestly, I had no clue as to why I enlisted the help of Sam. He seemed to have no care in these sort of things. He was, I supposed, a better alternative than Abigail, who, despite her attempts at friendship with me, I was still very wary over. There was something about her I couldn't put a point on.

And besides, Sam helped lighten the unease within me ever since I came to town. He spoke in such a natural and joyous way that made you compelled to listen. His bright blue eyes and overly excessive use of hair gel made him someone you couldn't dislike.

In the end, we settled for a green blouse with yellow patterns speckled on its short sleeve, paired with black slacks. Not too casual, but still very appropriate. It hung on my loosely and didn't fit in the right places, but I didn't bother.

Before heading out, I thanked Sam, who only grinned from ear to ear and claimed I was warming up to him. I shook my head and said he was delusional.

On the way towards the mountains, I kept telling myself that Sam was wrong. That I couldn't already be liking this town. But there was something within me telling me otherwise.

For such a big house, one that was designed and built from the base to the top by a carpenter herself, the kitchen was a crammed space.

It contained only the essentials: a fridge, a countertop, a stove. And tucked into the corner was the dining table, a big wooden table full of delicious foods that made me forget about the conditions. After all, I couldn't complain about their housing. My own ranch was one room with a bed, a single chair, and a few other furnishings.

Upon my arrival Robin had ushered me into the space, apologizing needless amount of times for the mess (though it seemed clean to me) and sat me down in the chair. Soon the rest of the household followed. Robin and her husband sat side by side, Sebastian along with Maru, and the chair next to me was empty.

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