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t w e n t y - t w o| a l e x a n d r i a

I watch the door creak open and eye Ian's tousled hair pop out of the doorway first. My gaze stays on him suspiciously when I notice his hands behind his back.

"What now?" I grumble.

He beams at me with the brightest smile despite my lack of excitement.

"Someone woke on the wrong side of bed, I see," he jokes.

"And what side of the floor did you wake up on?" I retort. "Your hair is more fucked up than usual, Ian."

"Wow," he breathes out. "Thanks, sis."

"Your one and only."

He rolls his gorgeous amber eyes but soon another smile reaches his face.

I always wondered how he could be so cheerful.

How could he be so carefree?

"I brought you something!" He tells me, excitement radiating off of him.

"My usual meal?" I question, boredom lacing my voice.

He brings his hands in front of him and states, "A CAKE!"

I couldn't hide the smile on my face. His glee was rubbing off on me.

He settles the box of cake beside me on the bed.

"You're welcome!"

I roll my eyes but still, a smile was present on my face.

"Thank you," I tell him softly.

I watch his smile stretch wider, only for it to fall down as fast it came.

"A-and—," he hesitates to continue.

"I know," I assure him, hoping that the bitterness didn't show in my voice.

Ian laves the room and comes back with the usual tray full of a small meal and a cup with disgusting contents.

He smiles at me one more time before leaving the room entirely.

I sigh and decide to eat the cake first, glad that I at least received a gift.

"Well, happy birthday to me," I whisper to myself and shrug my shoulders.


I wake up to the comforts of my bed, Theo's hand laced in mine, and his hair tickling my arms.

He was situated on a chair, his body bent uncomfortably so that his head was resting on my bed—just beside my stomach.

I bend my knees and move myself further down the bed so that I could catch a glimpse of his face.

He looked so peaceful and so fascinating. Often, his appearance reminded me of an intimidating and cunning CEO of some sort. But right now, he looked pretty.

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