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Ella POV

I was so happy sitting here with my little girl and the love of my life when that blonde fake ass bimbo walked up to get our orders. Now I'm not usually one to judge but she just gave off a bad vibe and when she started checking out my mate. I couldn't stand it.

I stood up shocking Levi and turned to the lady. Pushing her on the shoulder to get her attention. She turned to me giving me a look of disgust. At that point I was completely done this bitch has to go.

"Levi put you hands over Addy's ears"

Levi jumped up from his seat running around us in record time covering our sweet daughters ears.

"Do you know who I am" I asked sweetly towards the tramp.

At my tone her face turned to a sneer. Right as she was about to respond I cut her off.

" Oh. I'm sorry of course you don't know who I am. Why, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Ella his fiancé and that over their is our daughter. Isn't she cutest." I stated laying on my accent thick.

The attendants face still shows disgust.

"I thought you were just some hick he was slumming with." She snaps.

At that moment I did something that I shouldn't be proud of but it was necessary. I slapped her across her makeup caked face and might I say it felt good.

Behind me I heard Levi laughing at my actions. He stood behind me wrapping his hands around my waist. Pulling my body fully against his.

"You bit.." before she could finish it Levi cut her off.

" This is my future wife. You will not speak to her or my daughter like that or I will make sure you can't find a job in the future. I suggest you button up your shirt and get the hell off my plane." At his stern words the lady's face broke into sob as she ran off the plane.

I turned to see Addy wearing earbuds watching Frozen oblivious to what had just occurred. I couldn't help but laugh. I just slapped some random bitch and got away with it.

We went back to our seats and this time Levi asked me what I'd like to drink I asked for a sprite and a juice box for Addy. Levi came back with our drinks and some potato chips and then are plane went off.

It was my first time flying but I wasn't too worried in fact I took the take off fairly well. About an hour after we took off I fell asleep and was woken up a little over an hour later because well someone had to go to the ladies room after a quick trip to the bathroom. We sat back down in our seats Levi was asleep in the seat across from me with one hand on his chest and the other still holding some potato chips he was going to eat before he passed out. I pulled my phone out and took a picture of him setting it as my home screen.

As time passed Addy and I had finished two other Disney movies when the pilot announced we'd be landing in less than thirty minutes. The announcement didn't even wake Levi up and Addy was just excited for us to land. Levi refused to tell me where we were landing so although I knew we were somewhere else I didn't know where.

The plane started landing and once we were on the ground Levi woke up to the shaking of the plane hitting the runway.

"We have now landed in California" the pilot stated. We were in California.

Looking out the window I could only see a few palm trees everything else was runway and random planes. Unbuckling Addy and standing up we grabbed our bags and headed out of the plane and into the airport. Levi had finally gotten the stroller from the pilot and after it was set up Addy was placed inside.

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