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Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that then next chapter, and the one a lot of you have been both anticipating, and dreading, is in the works right now! I want to make it as perfect as possible, so as not to let anyone down who has read since the beginning. Please be patient with me <3 and I promise it will be an amazing, and lengthy chapter. 

THANK YOU FOR 4K READS!!! I never expected to get 100 reads, let alone 4K. You guys are the best, and I will continue to do my best with this story, and every story I write going forwards. 

That being said, while you all wait, I wanted to let you know of a new story I will be uploading today. I'm having a hard time with "reborn for you" right now, which is why it hasn't been updated past the summary. However, this book I'm about to post, I've been planning for a long, long, longgggg, time now. So I really hope y'all will check it out. 

Dezi, aka Dez, has always found it easy to make friends

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Dezi, aka Dez, has always found it easy to make friends. No matter where he goes, people flock around him like moths to a flame. With a cute and cheeky personality, a face that is "handsome in a sweet way," and an incredibly sharp mind, it is not hard to understand why. Heading into his junior year of college, he's more than excited to see what it will hold as he's legally able to drink, and is allowed to take more classes geared towards his major. With his charming girlfriend on one arm, and his friends on the other, his life seems perfect, and his future guaranteed. At least, that was before everything changed -- all because of one dangerous man.

Ryker, aka Ry, is used to having people run from him. With his rugged appearance, terrifying and domineering personality, and violent history, he couldn't blame them. He was brought up and conditioned to be feared, because in his world, you get more done with your fists than your words. He's never shown emotional interest in anyone in his life, thinking relationships with both men and women alike were troublesome. One night stands were good enough, and no one would dare refuse the "demonic prince," as he'd come to be known. He's only in school to finish up his degree, and that is all. He has no plans to spare anymore words than necessary with his peers, his objective in life is certain to play out exactly how he wants it. Until he begins to doubt whether or not his current objective is all he wants -- all because of one annoying loud mouth.

One chance encounter at lunch leads Dez to accidentally spill his tray, all over the lap of our short tempered "demonic prince." Ryker explodes, fully prepared to pound Dez straight into the ground. But when the student's who fear Ryker to no end stand up for their friend, Ryker is left, not only angry, but shocked that they would risk themselves for the clumsy idiot. Not inclined to humor them further, Ryker storms off and leaves the scene before he loses control. However, Dez is left wondering what makes Ryker a ticking time bomb of anger and frustration. He makes it his goal to uncover all of the man's secrets, and break that stone wall he'd forged around himself, against the warnings of his friends.

Dez doesn't realize how dangerous the world he's involved himself in is, but by the time he finally does it's too late, because Ryker has no intentions of ever letting Dez go. He should have walked away when he still could, but does he even want to?

Next thing I wanted to mention, was the possibility of a sequel to Drown. I've had a few people DM me, asking if I plan to make it into a series. As of right now, even though it already has a lot of chapter's, drown is only halfway done. We've reached the climax of the book, so there is still much more to come after we get over it. However, I will say that I have been seriously considering the prospect of making it into a series. I don't yet know if the sequel will follow Dylan, or if I will do it based on other characters introduced in this story, or go on a tangent with a completely new set of characters in the same world. As I said, the making of a sequel, if it does happen, will be further off in the future. 

Thank you all for reading to the end of this long thing, and look out for an update in the near future. Check out "Secrets and Lies" while you wait if you are interested. And thank you all for the amazing comments you've posted thus far, and all of the votes. I really do read every comment, and it always makes me feel so happy to hear what you think. And I really do appreciate every vote I receive, because it makes me feel like there really are people out there who enjoy my efforts. 


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