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"Why is the seduction of the psychopath so powerful? Because it is the art of the con wrapped in the beautiful illusion of


I found myself in familiar surroundings, yet again. Same room, same department, same city, same life. I thought that university would give me something new, something exciting, but everything was still the same. When I left home, I did get some sense of freedom, but I wanted more, actually, I craved for it. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I was happy living my monotonous life that involved studying, going to classes, hanging out with friends and other things I spent my time on, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. I needed adrenaline rush, something that would always keep me on edge. I needed fire, volcanic lava that would consume my whole body, that I would never be able to get rid of.

„Tara? Tara. Tara!" I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of my name. I turned my head and looked at my best friend, Lena, standing at the entrance of my room.

"You're still not ready? Are you for real? You were the one begging us to go to the club in first place, even though we weren't exactly thrilled." my other very close friend, Sarah said, annoyance ringing in her voice.

"Come on girls, it wouldn't kill you to be a bit more enthusiastic! We've just finished our exams. We studied so hard this whole month, we definitely deserved to give ourselves a break and have some fun."  I looked at them with my innocent eyes. Truth to be told, I was aware that it wouldn't make any difference, they knew me very well, no matter how much I hated it.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't really recall you being locked up in your room and not going out this past month." Emma, another girl from our group said.

„In my defense..." I started, but just one look at Emma and the way she raised her eyebrow made me give up „Nope, I have nothing to say." defeated, I let out a sigh.

„T, finish your makeup so we can finally head out, we are already late." she winked at me and then the three of them made themselves comfortable on my bed, starting yet another round of rumor-party as we liked to call it. I would join them too, but I had other things to do.

I looked at the mirror in front of me. I was almost done. This time, I wanted to create a natural look, I had some strange feeling that it was for the best. Natural in my agenda meant no heavy eye makeup, just one layer of eyeliner, but the rest of my face was covered in many makeup products. Foundation, concealer, highlighter, contour, finishing powder, blush – you name it, I have it. I believed that every girl wanted to feel beautiful, and you could definitely get that effect using all this, but that wasn't the only reason I had so much makeup on. I actually enjoyed doing it, in every second, every move I made using the brush. That was my passion and I would take advantage of every opportunity I get to make myself look like a clown.

The only thing missing on my face was lipstick. I looked at my infinite collection. It didn't matter how many different shades I had, I was very aware that there was only one I would find fitting at that moment. I picked up a red lipstick. It looked like there was blood on my lips, but I felt good, beautiful even. A strange feeling of excitement filled me, I was ready for the night.  I wanted so bad to experience something that would change my life forever.

„Let's get going, girls! Through alcohol to the stars!" I squealed and abruptly stood up. There definitely was a bit of fear in their eyes due to the fact that they didn't expect me to be finished anytime soon.

„I'm pretty sure that that's not the right translation," Sarah said. Smartass.

„Isn't it kind of ironic that you are the one saying that? I mean, you rarely even drink." I rolled my eyes the moment I heard what Lena said.

„Why are you in such a bad mood?"

„I'm sorry T, we are the ones that need alcohol to relax after this stressful month." Emma hugged me and I laughed at that.

„T, I have a question." Curiously, I looked at Sarah, urging her to continue „Why did you decide to change the club we were supposed to go, all of the sudden? I mean, we always go to Hype, why now?"

„I wanted a change," I replied. She just nodded her head. We called a cab and, a few minutes later, we were on our way to Dionis.

To be honest, I couldn't really give her the right answer. I didn't really know why I changed the location. I just felt the strong, inexplicable pull to go there. Like I was drawn to that place. I probably hoped that something would happen. Something that would end my monotonous life and fill me with adrenaline. And I was right. Something did change that night. Something happened, fatal and wicked. Something that I wasn't sure i would ever be able to defeat. Or, better said, someone.

Question: Where are you guys from?

Just wanted to say that English is not my first language, so if you have some advice as to how I can improve my knowledge, please feel free to hit me up

Follow me on Instagram: v_jelenaa

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