Chapter 55

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Krey could no longer smell Pip in the Shadow Packhouse, which would have been a good sign if Francis and Sid were by his side. Krey, in his wolf form, protecting his mother who had blocked herself into a corner, watched Francis and Sid at the other end of the room. They fought in their human forms with no time to shift.

All Krey could think about was Pippor. Where was he, if not with Francis or Sid? Did he escape by himself? Did wolves capture him? Krey hoped with all his heart that Pip wasn't by himself, lost and cold and panicking in the dark woods. Pip was anxious by nature. Krey hated to think about how frightened his little mate would feel. Krey was used to seeing werewolves tear into each other. Pip jumped when Krey cleared his throat.

Krey tackled a big brown wolf with a limp. He had no trouble sinking his sharp teeth into the wolf's injured leg, tasting warm blood. The brown wolf whined and tried clawing at Krey's side. Krey's wolf form was thick-haired; the other wolf's claws barely scratched him. Another wolf bounded over to them and bit hard into the brown wolf's back. Krey released his jaw and let the other wolf drag him off.

Krey once again backed himself into his mother, baring his teeth and raising his hackles, making his black and brown fur look even thicker. Though Krey's fluffiness was far from cute. His eyes glowed a deep red that matched the blood around his mouth. His bared teeth gave him a ferocious looking scowl. His claws were also soaked with the blood of his enemies, and his wolf was one of the biggest in the room.

He watched the chaos unfold before him. Wolves clashed and fought to the death. Wolves ripped at throats, wolves snapped at werewolves still in their human forms, crunching their limbs in a single bite. Krey had the displeasure of watching a southern wolf bite the head of an Omega hard enough to crack their skull in two.

Francis and Sid worked as a team, and they were skilful together. Francis was light on her feet, Sid was strong with his fists and sharp-eyed. Francis had snapped a metal leg off one of Saphine's overpriced chairs and used it to her advantage, stabbing and swinging where necessary. She was effortless and almost dancing around other wolves like gravity barely existed.

That's all fine and well, but where the fuck is my Pippor?

Wolf after wolf challenged Krey. Time after time Krey sent them slinking away with a life-threatening injury and their tails between their legs, or another wolf would step in and help. Krey scanned the room for Saphine's black wolf or Brandon's grey wolf with white paws. He could only see a few members of the Shadow Pack and party guests who had shifted, but half of the wolves were southern, and ploughing through them quickly.

Krey wanted to charge and fight, tearing limbs with his mouth, sinking claws into the belly of his enemies. He wanted to make his enemies whimper. He wanted to fight their Alpha who ordered the attack on the Crescent Pack, the night his father died.

Krey couldn't move from the corner of the room. He had to protect his mother and refused to let her fight. He couldn't lose her too.

The fighting continued for almost an hour before Krey's pack arrived. By then, Krey was a little injured. A scrawny Omega had slashed his face with cat-like claws before Krey pinned it down and ended the Omega with sharp teeth to the throat. Krey felt the sting across the middle of his face, and on his front left leg, but he was still fuelled on adrenaline and ready for more.

A familiar cluster of howls sent Krey's heart racing. For a moment, he feared his pack might not come, and let their Alpha die. Krey hadn't been good to his pack over the past few months, and he wasn't sure how loyal his pack would be when he needed them.

Now, Krey couldn't have needed his pack more, and they arrived just in time. Five southern wolves formed a line in front of Krey, staring down their snouts at him, snarling and snapping their jaws. Krey was ready to fight, but forty Crescent Pack wolves burst through the door and surrounded the southern wolves in minutes.

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