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(Warning; the chapter below contains a graphic description of not just male masturbation, but multiple sexual fantasies. If you are under the age of 18, please do not read.

I also do not own Hunchback of Notre Dame or any of it's characters. Those belong to the Estate of Victor Hugo.

Things to know for this chapter:

(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/F/F) - Your Favorite Flower
(Y/H/C) - Your Hair Color

It wasn't until Monday that you heard from the illustrious Frollo once more, and oh were you glad he had reached out. After your date on Saturday night, you had spent the rest of the weekend working on a paper for one of your classes on the religious influence of politics today. It wasn't due until the end of the semester, but considering it would be one of the biggest papers of your academic career had motivated you to maybe not hold it off completely until the last minute. While there had been a part of you that wanted him to distract him by blowing up your phone like some teenager in the 50s, you knew it was better for your sake he held off.

You had been grateful for the way he popped back into your circle nonetheless. After your classes were done for the day you decided to run over to the Monoprix to stock up on a few groceries for the next two weeks. Life had continued on as usual it seemed. Lugging the groceries into the apartment you noticed a package with your name on the envelope sitting on top of the living room table next to a vase full of (Y/F/F)s. A big goofy smile showed up on your face and stayed there as you were putting away the groceries. With everything away you finally found it time to check out the goodies. Your heart was so warmed by the gesture. Opening it up was a book and a note with such gorgeous penmanship it had to have been Frollo.


I was on a break from work and this book made me think of you. If you thought that the romantic letters he wrote to Josephine were intense, prepare for the beauty that is Clisson et Eugénie! Whenever you find a break, please do relax by the flowers I sent and give the book a read. It may not be your parent's garden, but maybe this could act as a placebo.

Spending some time with you on Saturday was almost as splendid as you. I'd like to invite you to join me on another Saturday outing when you're available. Please contact me whenever that may be. I am a patient man, though thinking of spending time with you surely tests that. Until we see eachother again a thousand kisses, dear pet.


Claude Frollo

You were practically screaming, holding the note to your chest. How this man who was so out of your league had turned his attention to you was beyond your imagination. Putting the note down you took a whiff of the bouquet and pulled out your phone, searching for his number to make sure he was thanked.

Claude Frollo sat at the desk in his home office, lounging back into his expensive leather seat. For just a moment out of his day he needed a break from the outside. Relaxing his head against the pillow of his chair he couldn't stop thinking about you. Had he been so deprived of basic human interaction outside of work that just a few hours with one person could stir his every thought?

He had yet to forget any detail of you. The way you looked beautiful in that short red number and how it fit your body so well. You had obviously taken such time into making everything look so immaculate, and he had to wonder if he had laid witness to a work of art meant to represent some holy figure. Was it blasphemy to compare you to such, probably, but in the moment Claude could care less. Claude could still hear those beautiful sounds that came out of your pretty red lipped mouth whenever experiencing pleasure. He wanted to hear them again. More than that he wanted to be the reason those noises returned. He wanted to do things to you. Things that would make God blush. For once, he wanted to give into the devil's temptation. Claude Frollo wanted to let his imagination run wild with you as his muse.

In the end, it would be on you. Should you choose him he'd bow to your every whim. If you wanted nothing more than to just sit by him while the both of you did nothing, he'd give it. But if it was more you wanted more... if you wanted to be bound and gagged, punished for being the bad girl you weren't he'd comply. But you were bad... oh were you bad, an absolute sin for being so deliciously tempting to him. Maybe you did deserve the punishment? A smirk grew on Frollo's thin face. The image of throwing you over the very desk where he sat, hands tied behind your back crept into his mind so stealthily.

His hand snaked up his inner thigh, not giving into a moral debate about his actions. Hooded eyes closed. The velvet of his pants felt so good. So lush. For a moment he imagined it was that beautiful head of (y/h/c) hair. The palm that had relaxed on his thigh balling into a fist. He had a burning desire at this point that needed attention. Very haphazardly he opened his pants and released his hardened cock from the silk boxers that had confined them. Gently he held his member as if it had been nothing more than a pen which he used to sign documents. You had never laid with him, only spending a few hours together on a boat together, and yet you had the pure and righteous Claude Frollo stroking himself. Beads of precum already begging to spill out. If you would allow, he'd adore to show this to you. How you didn't even need to be in the room. How only the touch of your hand caught him on fire. He wished this was your hand and not his. Slowly he pumped at first, making sure to have made his swollen member almost glisten.

He moaned lowly, hoping not to alert anyone in the house. His cock throbbing under his touch, and his heart pounding just a little harder in his chest. A warmth in his belly burning from within. If he had been the only one home he'd allow himself to be louder. Just the idea of having to control one's self made him imagine pleasuring you and nothing but your screams of pleasure being heard throughout the home. Screams he caused for only you. You, his new princess, pressed against the desk, your entire body rocking as he'd pump more and more into you. Take you on every surface. Maybe have you suck him off from under the desk while he'd work.

"Oh great flames," he planted, feeling his climax build. Stands of his silver hair had become disheveled. Hips bucking wildly forward. His speed increased more and more. Claude Frollo would have you, whether it be physically or just in his mind. Eyes rolling to the back of his head, streams of cum began to flow out, getting onto his clothes and desk. He'd have to clean it up later, but for now that was far from his concerns. Relaxed, Frollo gave a satisfied hum, enjoying his mini high.

When the phone rang he half thought to not answer before noticing it's number. Your number! Springing back into action Claude Frollo wiped his hand off on some hand wipes he kept in his desk before picking up.

"Oh hello, (Y/N), how lovely for you to have called. I was just thinking of you," a smile grew on the politicians face, hoping one had been on yours as well. You had to have been a witch, casting another spell of infatuation on him as soon as he had worked the old one off. "Did you appreciate your little gifts?"

"Hi Frollo. Yes, I did. Thank you once again. I'm going to have a lot of fun reading through this," you clung to the book with one hand, pacing about your apartment. "Maybe you'd like to read it with me? We could go to Butte Chaumont and walk around." Your excitement was a gift in every sense to him. Listening intently he had gotten to cleaning his office. A low hum of agreement all you were getting.

"An evening in the park with you sounds absolutely my dear. How about this Saturday. We can make Saturday "our day", if you so like." Damn you to hell infernal stain, he thought to himself trying to get some cum off his pants. While you had certainly been something he enjoyed, the struggle of this stain was something he did not.

"Saturday's with you sound lovely," there was such a bounce to you. "I'll meet you at the park entrance then!"

"No, no, no my dear. You are not taking that putrid metro. I'll pick you up at your place. When with me, you will not have to worry about urine and gasoline," Claude made a sound of disgust at even the idea. "Until then pet, a thousand kisses."

"But do not send me any in return, for they set my heart on fire." Are you going to really use Bonaparte on me every time in hopes it makes me swoon?"

"I am a patient man, (y/n). One of these days it will work." You gave him a hearty laugh, and in that very moment his heart truly was struck with a lovely flame.

This was going to be a beautiful arrangement.

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