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''Lauri, we won tickets!'' My little brother Sam yelled. I yanked my earpods out of my ear and looked into the hallway. ''What!?'' I yelled back. ''We.Won.Tickets!'' He yelled again, his footsteps came closer to my room and his happy face was in my doorway. ''To what?'' I asked with a frown. ''And since when, did 'we' won tickets?'' I asked. ''To the formula one race in Silverstone!'' He said out of breath and his big blue eyes watched my green eyes. ''Okey, and...?'' I said back and I touched on my phone screen pause the song I was listing to. ''AND? We're going and I'm sure that Lex wants to drive us!'' He yells excited.

end flashback

I stood in front of my mirror. ''Just dress casual.'' My brother Lex said, he is also coming along, when he heard about the tickets he insisted in driving us but only if he could come along..

I walked back to my desk and I grabbed my cup of coffee. It was still early in the morning, I was all dressed, just as casual I ever be. A denim jeans, a white T'shirt, my black converse and my hair in a ponytail. Casual? I think so.

I walked downstairs, straight to my kitchen to grab some yoghurt with fruits in it. ''So, you're back on the healthy shit?'' My brother Lex grinned while he eat some of his own yoghurt with his usual protein powder in it. ''Yup.'' I said back and I watched him a little with a 'so what' look on my face.

''Sam wants to go early.'' Lex openend his mouth again. ''Okay, what time is early?'' I mixed the fruits into my yoghurt and I took a big bite. ''Like in 20 minutes.''

''So we are going to be there the whole day...'' I asked boredly. ''Why do I need to go with you guys again?''

''Because mom and dad wants us to explore town and around a little bit, so they thought this was the best solution.''

''Okay, fair point but I need to call my friends tonight, so no staying after the race.'' I took another big bite.

That afternoon we walked inside the big Silverstone circuit, it was really sunny today, maybe a jeans was not the best option but we have to deal with it. ''Look! Look!'' Sam yells excited and he points to the stalls with the teams, who are preparing for the race. Sam is just a normal, excited eleven year old with a big love for cars especially formula one cars. My other brother Lex he is twenty two, also loves cars and he has his own old camaro back in the USA. And me, Lauri, I'm nineteen.

Our eyes meet a big group surrounding two persons with a lot of yells coming of the group. ''Wait.... That is Lando Norris!'' Sam yells with big eyes. A fence is opened a little bit and in front of the fence there is standing a guy with race overalls, next to him a guy with a t'shirt almost the same things on it as the race overall.

''I want a picture with him!'' And with that, he ran away to the group of people. I sighed and followed him with Lex behind me.

I wait next to the group and I see a lot of people urge for the guy. I push Sam a little bit through the group because he is little. Within a minute, Sam has his picture and even Lex pose for a picture with the guy.

I still wait next to the group and I smile towards my brothers. ''Hey.'' Somebody says. I looked around me. ''You also want a picture?'' The guy in the race overall asks me, there is still a little group of six people around him but he looks at me. ''Just one more Lando, you need to hurry for the warming up.'' The guy next to him says.

''Uh.. Sure?'' I walked towards him.

''I'm Lando by the way.'' He smiles, his dimples show.

''I'm Lauri.''

I pose for the picture, he is standing closer to me then he did with my brothers and he even lays his arm loose around me. I smile bright. Lex takes the picture and nods. ''Thank you.'' I say politely.

''Come on Norris, enough pictures, we need to go now for the warming up!'' The guy next to him says and he looked rushed on his watch. Lando smiles to me, he sends a wave to the rest of the people and he disappears behind the fence.

''Such a charmer.'' Lex grinned to me and he claps me on the shoulder. He shoves the picture in my face and points to it. ''Look how he holds you.'' Sam jumps next to me. ''Yes, Lauri! It was almost like you looked like boyfriend and girlfriend.''

''Shut up guys, come on let's get some food before the race, I'm hungry.'' And I forget about the picture slowly....

hi guys, so okay english is not my first language as you see, i'm dutch. so if you see some language mistakes, please correct me and i will edit it. i hope you guys like the beginning of this story, i'm still figuring out my writing style.

leave come comments! :)

→started; april 10, 2020;

hi girlfriend | lando norrisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon