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Trigger Warning- If you are someone who gets seizures and is traumatized by the stigma surrounding it then I would not recommend reading this chapter. While I don't go in detail, I just didn't want to take a chance.

"Okay, so what do you want?" Leon asks. 

"You don't have to buy for me too," Cale whines, holding onto Leon's Hands to persuade him.

"I won you, crayons-Crayons." Leon said, emphasizing the word 'crayons'.

"Crayons are useful," Cale tries, though not useful for him cause he sucks at anything art related.

Leon gives him one of his 'are you serious' looks, still not relenting. Cale sighs, looking over his food options. "Maybe, potato chips with ketchup."

"What-I am just going to buy those and not judge your choices." Leon mocks, collecting the money from his wallet.

"Leon!" Cale grumbles.

"What!?" Leon teases, waiting for the owner to hand him the chips. "Here take mine and wait with others." He adds, referring to their friends who were waiting in front of the makeshift theater for them both.

Cale sticks his tongue out, plucking the packet of biscuit from Leon's hands, leaving Leon. Leon chuckles at the other's behavior, turning around and waiting. He smiles politely at the owner, accepting the packet of chips and ketchup before walking back towards where they had left their friends.

"Leon, we got the tickets," Shawn says waving the tickets around.

"Where's Cale?" Leon questions, as Shawn passes him his tickets.

"Wasn't he with you?" Krishna inquires, insulating the fact that they had gone together to buy the snacks.

"But he-hand me Cale's tickets too. You guys can go in, I will see where he is?" Leon advises.

"Are you sure?" Sandra asks, concerned for her friend.

"Yeah, don't worry you guys." Leon takes hold of the ticket that Shawn passes him.

"Just, don't hesitate to call us if you need our help, okay?" Atif declares, Leon nods as a response.

Leon walks back to where he came from, his hand searching for his phone. Since it's only been two minutes or so the other couldn't have gone far-maybe he went to the bathroom or something. He retraces his steps, his eyes wandering everywhere in search of Cale.

Leon looks down at his phone, his hands moving across the screen to call Cale. He looks up, his hands holding the phone against his ears as his eyes search for Cale. His eyes fall on what seems like a crowd, he pulls the phone away from watching the screen go black. His hands hover over the screen, calling Cale again.

Leon walks towards the crowd, maneuvering his way through the people so that he doesn't push anyone. He curses as the call goes to voice message again, getting more anxious by the second as his mind goes into full panic mode- throwing scenarios at him about what could have happened. In the end pushing past the people, his charcoal eyes widening as he sees Cale having a seizure. 

His instincts kick in as he drops on his knees near to Cale, placing his hands under Cale's head, navigating Cale's body so that he is laying sideways.

"Is he possessed?"

"Place something in his mouth,"

"Use keys or something metallic,"

Whispers spread across from the on-lookers, varying from concerned to just downright ignorant. Leon sighs, "Please don't crowd around him." He pleads to the crowd, his hands reaching his phone to time the seizure from when he arrived.

One of the older ladies, sit down beside him, removing her cardigan and placing it under Cale's head to support him. "Please don't crowd around." She says to the crowd, more sternly than Leon, glaring at them. Most of the crowd displaces, except for the few who just don't understand the idea of respect.

"Does he have epilepsy?" The woman asks, looking over towards Leon.

"Yes, he does...I-this is not h-his first." Leon stammers through his words, urging himself to calm down for Cale's sake but guilt eats him alive from inside. Feeling jittery, as this is his first time seeing Cale get a seizure and he doesn't know what to do.

"Hey, don't be scared. It's okay let's just wait for a minute or so and if his seizure doesn't stop then we can call the ambulance." The woman advises, smiling in a motherly manner to ease Leon.



I love you all. Thanks for reading.

PS- I first saw someone get a seizure when I was out of the station with my family. We were walking around this garden when all of a sudden a teenager in front of us suddenly falls down, his parents or maybe his family were walking forward and hearing the commotion they turned around and quickly went to his aid. And my uncle says to use keys to place in his hand because apparently that will stop it. I didn't understand what was happening, cause I had never heard of any of this, I asked my mom what was happening and she was the one who explained what it was. While the only ignorant thing that I heard was the comment about the keys and that people were crowding around. This was what made me curious, I researched this topic and decided that I wanted to be prepared if something were to happen like this in the future. 

Treat people with respect, you guys. Don't comment if you don't know what is going on, just don't further the stigma surrounding any condition. 

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