Twenty Five

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"Look i'm just worried, that's all" he says looking down at me and there is a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"there is nothing to be worried about" i tell him he's about to say something but i cut him off, "let's make an accord"

"did you just make a pirates of the caribbean reference?" he asks and i smile at him giving him the answer, "i'm listening"

"i'll stay in this chair for the rest of the day, if you wheel me over to the toilets and then take me out for food after your training" i say and he smiles

"We have an accord" he says holding out his hand for me to shake and we shake hands

"To the toilets!" i say enthusiastically and he laughs wheeling me down the corridor.

"look i have to stand up to go to the toilet" i tell
him and he scoffs

"i know that, i'm not stupid. How else would you have got in there" he says

"that's a secret i'll never tell" i say and he shakes his head for what's about to come

"you know you love me xoxo gossip girl" i say before disappearing into the toilets

I walk in and my eyes land on the mirror and i almost scream.

Oh my god.

I look awful.

More awful than usual.

This is bad..... very very bad.

I have bags underneath my eyes, i'm paler than usual. I look so washed out.

Why didn't he tell me? I met people and i look a mess.

I'm so embarrassed right now, he could have warned me or told me to at least make myself look presentable. But no he lets me walk in here looking like a tramp.

Finns Pov

"You okay?" i shout to her after i hear her scream

"yeah" she says with a tone i don't really get.

She walks out with an angry look on her face, "why didn't you tell me i look like shit?!" she hisses at me and i stare at her with an unamused look on my face.

Is this girl serious.

Is she being serious right now?

She looks amazing, she could look amazing wearing anything.

Or nothing... definitely nothing.

She could wear a bin bag and pull it off. Fuck this girl is stunning and i love-

"what are you looking at me like that for?" she snaps at me whilst putting her hands on her hips.

Holly Holly Holly. Full of Sass. The sass queen as Izzy used to call her.

"Stop talking shit and sit down" i say

"what do you mean talking shit, i look like a tramp!"

"You know you look great now stop bullshitting" i say and her jaw drops open

"Hollyyy...... i think you mouth is missing your jaw" i tell her and she scowls at me before sitting down

"now who's talking shit" she mumbles and i shake my head as we make our way back out into the gym.

"Now are you going to be alright on your own, i don't want you injuring yourself after your little tantrum" i tell her smirking

"fuck off and go do a teddy bear roll or something" she says and i chuckle before leaving

"what's with her?" Tom asks

"she's in a mood cause apparently i let her out looking like a tramp" i say and they laugh

"she looks great"

"init I'd get with her"

I feel myself get jealous.

Why am i jealous?

I mean like we're so different like how she so sarcastic and i'm a dick head. Or how she's nice and it takes me a long time to talk to someone new so I literally don't talk to strangers. Well to be fair it does take her a long time to trust people, she just acts nice around them so she doesn't want to piss anyone off that she's not sure about, then if she doesn't like that person she'll do something about it.

Why am i even jealous? She's probably going to get with one of the music people cause that's the type of person she should be with. Someone with the same interests. Anyway i mean like it's not like anything will ever happen between us. She's Jordan's sister. If anything was to happen it would make it so awkward around us all.

But these reasons don't stop the words coming out from my mouth, "she's got a boyfriend"

"really? who?"

"It's a long distance thing, she doesn't like talking about it because it makes her upset so i wouldn't say anything if i was you" i tell them before glancing at Nile.

"what?" i ask looking at his stupid face with an even stupider smug look on it.

"Nothing" he says before clapping his hands together, "let's go backflipping" he says before walking over to the bars.

Hollys POV

After i took photos with the girls at the gym, Finn and i went out to the diner again for dinner. We spent two hours talking about life and england.

He was telling me about his friends back home and the people he met. Ryder faced times us as well and asked what we were doing. I told him that we were talking about Finns friends back home and he mentioned a girl called Sarah. Finn told Ryder to shut up when he mentioned her but i didn't bother to ask any questions about her. It's too much hassle especially considering how he hung up on him.

Ryder is now going to be fuming.

"Thanks for today" i say as he wheels me back into the hospital.

"it's no problem" he says with a small smile

"I'll see you soon yeah?" i say


"i probably won't be able to come on wednesday to your competition" i say

"That's alright Rapunzel, you just focus on getting better. It's going to be on some sort of live steam anyway, if you want to watch" he says and i smile

"yeah i'll watch it" i say

"good" he says and i get up off the wheelchair

"i'll see you soon" i say and he smiles before i walk back to my room.

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