Another Day At The Office

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I had a dream last night. I woke up in the middle of the hot Iranian desert. I looked at myself and I had on my combat gear, I then felt somebody behind me and I grabbed my M4A1 and swung around to meet the person who was behind me. It wasn't a local or a insurgent, but it was Carl, I wanted to give him a big hug but this Carl was different, he still had in his combat gear but he was charred and was smoking, he was missing an arm, but the creepiest thing is that he just stood there. "Umm, buddy. Is that you?" I ask "why" Carl asked "why what" "Why weren't you there for me when I needed help?!" I recoiled from him, he was never this angry, not with me. " Buddy, I didn't know that the bomb was there, I couldn't help you!" He stared at me, he still had his goggles and skull mask on. He stared at me some more then, he put his hands on his goggles, and pulled them forward, this caused a squishy, crunchy sound to come from him, he put the goggles on his helmet and there was skin burned onto his goggles, there was an outline of where his goggles had been around his eyes, only showing muscle tissue. He then proceeded to pull down his skull balaclava producing the same squishy and crunchy sound as before and from his nose to his chin was exposed skin tissue. He then said "we'll what about them, he looked to his right and I followed his gaze, it was the rest of our squad that was in Carl's hummer. They were charred, smoking, and missing limbs, "buddy, I swear, if I knew that IED was there I would've stopped you all from going on that patrol!" "Lies" he whispered and then all of them charged at me, i I tried to run but couldn't move, as they were a inch from from me I woke up in a cold sweat. I looked around, instead of seeing the dreaded Iranian desert, I saw the room I was in last night, I rose from my bed, and made it to perfection. I made my way to the shower and checked to see if the water worked, running water in an Iranian Firebase was a blessing, I enjoyed the actually hot water running down my body. Once I got out of the shower I combed my hair and put on my fatigues. I tied my tan combat boots and headed off to the Cafeteria to get breakfast. As I was walking down the hallway a guy in a yellow and black hazmat suit saw me and exclaimed "mon dieu! What happened to your face!?" I then figured out why people were staring at me weird last night, "well uhh... funny story actually, I was on a patrol In Afghanistan and we were patrolling the mountains, we were walking along a path in the woods and all the sudden we hear a growl, I look to my left and a mountain lion is right there. We start to back up but our idiot machine gunner decides to sprint startling the mountain lion. The big cat pounced and it clawed the left side of my face."      The man stood and said, "tough break huh, first you have to deal with the heat then a mountain lion attacks you." We both start laughing like I told a funny joke. "Anyways, I'm Oliver flament, codename Lion." he said. "Jackson Karr, codename Jolly Roger" we shook hands and went our separate ways. I walked to the Cafe and it was bustling with activity. I walked up and got a tray, they had a lot of food. I settled on a grilled sandwich with orange juice. I sat at a lonely table tucked away in the corner. I really didn't have any friends here since I just came here. Some people shot me some looks. I was sipping some orange juice when I heard a familiar voice "Hey Jay, what are you doing here?" I looked up and saw Ela, the girl that I met during the joint training exercise with GROM. "Hi Ela, how are you?" I asked, it's been along time since I saw her. We started a conversation with what we've been up to and where we've been. I finished my lunch and I said bye to Ela and started to walk back to my dorm. I was in the hall walking to my dorm and somebody grabbed my arm. I turned around to see who it was and it was Ela, " Jay, if you ever need me I'm right across the hall." I looked at her and nodded. She let go and walked to her dorm. I walked to my dorm and entered. Everything was the way I left it. I walked to my armory and picked up my M4A1. I had 20 confirmed kills with this gun. I began to take her apart carefully. I cleaned the parts thoroughly and precisely. When I was finished I pieced her back together. I hung her back up on the rack and lied down on my bed. I was starting to drift off into a deep sleep until the intercom came on. "May I have the operators Ela, Zofia, Jolly Roger, Glaz and Blackbeard to the debriefing room. I quickly put on my gear and hung my helmet on my belt. I walked out the door to whatever situation was happening.

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