14 - Solace

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{I didn't really know what to nickname Aftertale Frisk, at first I was going to name them Glitch, then Paci, but those don't really fit. So I'm just going to refer to them as Frisk in this chapter. But feel free to suggest nicknames!}

3rd POV

Frisk was concerned for Geno. They didn't know much, but they knew that Error had committed suicide. 

They knew that Geno was very close to Error, almost like brothers. Error always cheered Geno up, and that made Frisk happy.

The glitches surrounding their body started to increase.

Error was very kind to Frisk too. Almost...too kind. Frisk felt that they did not deserve such kindness, they were the one who caused the first genocide run, caused Geno to suffer.

They looked over at Geno through the gaps between the bones. Geno was curled up in a ball, face buried into his scarf. This made Frisk's soul hurt. 

This was how he felt when Papyrus died.

Frisk wanted to console Geno, tell him everything would be alright, but that would be a lie. 

And Frisk knew Geno long enough to know that Geno wanted to be left alone. And it was unlikely that Geno would listen to Frisk anyway...

You didn't bother helping Geno when his brother died. You barely even felt guilty when you killed Papyrus. Now you care? It's too late anyway.

Frisk heard the faint sound of a portal opening. They turned their head towards the portal and watched Reaper step out, his usual smile gone.

Frisk perked up. Maybe Reaper could help Geno feel better. They were friends, right?

*You are filled with hope for y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶ Geno.


Geno recognised the voice and ignored him.

Reaper walked up to Geno and stood next to him. "I...know that you're sad about Error...and I'm sorry..."

Geno didn't reply.

"But now we've got the truce, and we know why Error destroyed..."

Geno curled up into a tighter ball. "He was like a brother to me," he mumbled.

Geno's left eye light flickered red and blue and more glitches flickered around his body as he stood up. "And he jumped into the Void! Because of a job he never wanted! And yet, he was abused, tormented, for what? For preventing the multiverse from collapsing, just because Ink was so incredibly stupid? And you, you helped too! I told you that Ruru was better than he seemed! I told you to not go to that fight! But you went! You helped drive Error to his suicide! He never deserved all this...all this hate! He deserved so much better! He was kind, understanding, loving, and so, so, selfless! And still, you all were so ignorant, so...oblivious that you never even bothered to find out what he truly was like! He would've told you! The only reason he never told everyone was because he thought you people wouldn't believe him! He thought you would just ignore what he said and keep hurting him! And I don't even blame him for thinking that way! He was so broken, Reaper. And you should've noticed. You all should've noticed how dull his eye lights were. That last battle was just too much for him. How he even put up with...all of this, for so long, is beyond me! Nightmare said that Error's still alive, but what's the point if he's not even here anymore? What if we never find him...?"

Geno collapsed into Reaper's arms, tears and blood running down his cheeks. He hugged Reaper tightly and Reaper hugged back. "I just miss him so much...sorry for yelling at you Reaps..."

Reaper separated from the hug and wiped away Geno's tears. "It's fine...I deserved that anyways."

Geno fiddled with the end of his tattered scarf. "What if he never comes back...?"

Reaper pulled Geno into another hug. "He will come back. We will find him."

Geno's uncovered eye light sparkled, making Reaper's cheeks turn slightly blue. "Are you sure?"


"I'm certain."

{So, um, I'm sorry for the kinda late update for a short chapter. This is kinda a...'filler', or 'bridge' chapter like Chapter 6, next chapter'll be longer. Sorry for taking quite long though, I literally just wrote this chapter in one day once I got the ideas for this chapter. I had a bunch of fun writing Geno's rant, though!}

{I'll try to get the next chapter out by next week! But I'll be redrawing the cover too, so it might take a bit longer than usual. Sorry...}

{Also, we've reached 8.7k reads? And 52 followers? That's...quite a lot. Thanks a bunch! Should I still answer the questions from 5k or...no...? Either way, thank you all so, so much!}

{Aight, thanks for all the reads and followers, sorry for the short chapter, and I'll try to get the next chapter out next week!}

{Have a wonderful day/night!}

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