Why not me?

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He stood still staring at her accusing eyes.
As new teardrops escaped her eyes he turned his back on her.

"Who told you?"

She was far from sober.
Her fingers were itching to break something and her insides were screaming from all the pain she was harbouring inside.

"Does it matter how I came to know? Does anything ....does anything else matters now?"

He didn't turn back.
He didn't reply.
His silence was hurting her once again.

"Answer me dammit!! Answer me you Assho-***!! You fuc**** used me!!! Toyed with my body and my feelings!! Am I a joke to you...am I just a game for you Ashton?"

He knew this would happen one day.
He knew she felt betrayed but how could he tell her that hurting her was never his intention.
But either way, he was going to hurt her.

He couldn't look at her.

He listened to each word she spoke without a reaction.
She needed to let it all out.
It was the only release of her sadness.

"You....you are a monster, Ashton Lockwood!! A fuc*** monster!! I hate you!!"

Next, he knows a glass vase broke just next to him on the wall.
Its shreds pierced his cheek as he hissed in pain and anger.

His patience was as high as a mountain but again everyone had their limits.
The avalanche of his anger was destructive and he knew if that if it is unleashed today, he will destroy her along with himself.

He clenched his fist in anger closing his eyes as the 1st blood drop moved down his chin.

"You think just because you are beautiful.....and you have money...you can do anything!! You can...treat others like sh** and get away!!"

"You.....you .. took...my first kiss...you...why...did I-"

She was lost of words to describe how she felt.
Her head was throbbing like crazy, her vision was hazy but still, she had a lot of energy to speak.

"Just go back to sleep ...we will talk tomorrow"

He knew she was struggling to keep awake let alone speak profanities at him.
She needed rest right now.

He moved towards the door when she again stopped him

"Sleep? I can't sleep!! I can't eat! I can't walk! I can't do .. anything!! You have hurted me so much Ashton...you have destroyed me!! "

She broke in sobs unable to speak anymore.
She has burst like a hot air balloon leaving back nothing.

He has destroyed her when he didn't do anything to her?
When he just merely kissed her at most when he could have done a lot more.
When he kept loyal to her even though he knew it was temporary.
When he protected her with his own life?

He turned back to see her body shaking as she rubbed her teary eyes.

"Did I asked you not to eat? Did I ask you not to sleep? Did I fuc**** asked you to love me? Didn't I make it clear at the very beginning that I won't love you?
Didn't I allow you to fuc* anyone behind my back?
Tell me Elle didn't I made every damn thing crystal clear beforehand?"

Her teary eyes land on the cut she had unknowingly given him.
Her mind got lost in thinking how bad she hurt him with the cut.
How her mindless actions have hurt him.

"Tell me Elle haven'tt I told you countless times how much I hate having you as my wife?
How many times did I call you ugly duckling?
How many times I was fuc**** trying for you to hate me!"

His not so beautiful wifeWhere stories live. Discover now