17. Unknown Posseiveness

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Gareth's POV
It was Monday. I now feel why children hate going go school. I mean, you literally have to ruin your precious sleep and wake up, leaving a tempting bed.

That's the worst thing I've to do everyday. It's not like I'm a sleepy head, but leaving that warmth makes me want to curse. I wish I was running an evening school. So that I could get up late.

I was already in my office and a pile of papers welcomed me. I sighed looking at the files. I really didn't know that a school principal has to do so many things.

Working on this position has increased my respect for principals and teachers all around the world.

Really they're angels.

I was just reviewing the files when a teacher entered. It was Mrs. Adrienne. I greeted her with a little smile and she too did the same.

"Good morning sir. Mr. Miller and his son are here" she said and I got up from my chair to welcome our guest.

Mr. Charles Miller is a very old friend of mom and trustee of this school. I've met him a couple of times, but this time I'm meeting him as the principal of the school.

"Hello sir. How are you?" I said shaking hands with Mr. Miller.

"I'm completely fine Gareth. And it's so nice to meet you" he said with a smile on his face.

"Pleasure is mine. So how was the flight?" I said leading him to the couch.

"Tiring, but I had to come. How can I possibly not attend the annual meet" he said.

"Of course sir" I said.

"But there's still, almost ten days to that event. Right Mrs. Adrienne?" I said looking at her. She nodded.

"Seems like you aren't really happy seeing me here?" Mr. Charles said.

"Not at all sir! What are you saying! You're not just a trustee of the school, but also a very close family friend. I can't even think about that" I said in a convincing tone.

And that's true as well.

"I'm just messing with you Gareth" he said laughing.

I got embarrassed and laughed.

"Dad I'm going" Bradley said.

We both looked at him. A grown up boy, probably in his late teens now. He looked taller, bolder and a fact that can't be ignored, more handsome.

He's changed a lot.

Mr. Charles Miller's son, Bradley Miller, is not a guy I like. Of course he's literally half my age but his arrogance flows on cloud nine. I've never had a straight conversation with him.

But I'm impressed about one thing. The last time I saw him, he was so small, but now he's almost reaching my height, but is still shorter than me.

"But where son?" Mr. Charles asked.

"Around the school. To meet my friends" he said typing something on his phone.

"Friends or girlfriends?" Mr. Charles said in a teasing tone.

"She's yet to be one" he said sort of blushing.

I looked at them with a mind-blowing question capturing my head. Why the hell is a boy allowed to roam around in a girl's school?!

But before I could ask about that, the boy already left the room. My question was left unasked. Mr. Charles could see the mixture of confusion and frustration on my face.

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