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Voice call with Mum🤍 00:03


"Zayn? What's the matter?
You never call this late."


"I'm fine, mum. It's nothing serious.
I just wanted to hear your voice."


"I'm your mother, Zayn. I know what
you sound like when you're lying."

"I just have a lot on my mind, is all.
How are the girls? How's Baba?"

"They're all good. Your father is still
upset about closing the gym down."

"I'm sure... he loves training."

"He does. Are you being safe, noori?"

"Yes, Ammi. You ask me everyday."

"You can't blame me for
being worried about my
only son who lives across
the world from me!"

"I told you I would come back
to visit soon... once all of this
quarantine stuff is over."

"You better. I'll make your
favorite dish, you'll get to
meet your sister's fiancé.
It'll be a good time."

"Yeah... it will."

"Are you planning on bringing
anyone to the wedding?"


"Um, I hadn't really thought about it.
Maybe I will... if things work out."


"Hm? What's going on, my love?"


"I just had a really... exhausting day, Mum."


"Talk to me, jaan."


"Well... I've been talking to this guy..."


"Ah. Is he cute? Send me pictures."


"I don't know if he would like that, haha...
He has a child so he's very protective."


"As all parents are, and should be.
What's his name? How old is he?"


"He's thirty one..."


"You said thirty one?
Oh, I love that for you.
Maybe this one will finally
make you settle down!
Your father and I have
been waiting for you to
get married for too long!"


"Hah... yeah, maybe."


"But you're being safe
right? You're not going to
see him in this mess?"


"Of course not. Besides...
he lives in California."


"In California? Is he rich?"


"Yeah, I think so."


"Oh. You better snatch
him while you can!"


"Yeah... I'll try."


"Oh, noori. You sound so
mellow for a man in love.
What's happened?"


"I just don't know if I'll be
good enough. You know?"


"What on earth makes you say that?"


"I don't know... just a feeling I have."


"Well, you better stop.
No one in their right mind
would ever turn you down,
Zayn Javadd. You are like
your father in many ways,
but better in so many others.
Anyone who thinks that
you're not good enough
doesn't deserve you."


"That's the problem, Mum.
I feel like I let him down and
he doesn't even know it yet."


"How could you have let him down?"


"I-I can't explain it right now.
I'm sorry, Mum. I have to go.
I will call you tomorrow."


"You better! I love you, jaan.
Never forget that."


"I love you too, Ammi."


Voice call ended.


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