Chapter 24

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Without wasting another second, I advanced towards Catelyn. Straight away, Catelyns foot kicked up off of the ground and swung around my head as I quickly ducked, dodging it, and kicked my leg out from underneath in an attempt to trip her, however she jumped over just in time.

Catelyn came onto me fast and held the knife as she swung it to swipe past my face. I leaned back and twisted around, kicking up off of my left foot and kicking her in the stomach.

The blow was effective, considering Catelyn fell to the floor and groaned lightly.

Before she could get back up, I pushed her back down like the man named Kevin had done to me earlier.

"Catelyn," I rasped, "-why did you have to do this?" I said in a fake disappointing tone as I shook my head.

"I mean, we had a deal. A really good one. You stay out of my business and I stay out of yours," I said with a smile as I shrugged my shoulders. It was easy as that.

"Well Samantha," Catelyn spat as she crawled backwards and then stood up, "-I actually considered it. However you taking those photos? Alright fine. Using my phobia against me? Maybe I deserved that, but messing with Max and his chance at that level of wealth?" Catelyn said in an angry voice.

"See that's when I decided I wanted you gone for sure."

I simply smiled at Catelyn and then tilted my head.

"What? Kill me? Like the three of you did to my parents?" I said trying to get the words out of her. I was hoping Kevin stuck around. However even if he did, Catelyn didn't say a word. I had to rile her up.

"You three might've killed them so easily, but you can't get rid off me," I chuckled and Catelyn narrowed her eyes.

"Oh? And why not?" she asked.

"You see, I'm not defenseless. And I'm not a cheater either. When you killed my innocent parents? They were defenseless. When you won their wealth? That was cheating. At life."

Catelyn rolled her eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic. They died together didn't they? And Its not my fault your mother was so weak. One slit against her throat and the women bled out instantly. I don't recall creating such a serious wound," Catelyn shrugged and through out her words I tried to stay calm.

"Weak?" I hissed, "-my mother was not weak. But you know who is? The three of you. Killing people in defenseless states. Stealing even," I spat and looked at her in disgust.

Catelyn looked at me for a few more seconds before giggling lightly to herself.

"Us weak? Samantha, do you not see the power we have gained by doing what we did?" Catelyn laughed again and the noise set me off.

I planned on having her put in jail, but this. This was the last straw.

I suddenly lunged at Catelyn and tackled the her to the floor. Straddling her, I grabbed her hand with the knife, trying to push it down as she tried to push it up. My other hand gripped her throat and I squeezed as I smirked at the glorious scene.

Catelyns free hand gripped my hand around her throat and tried to get mine off of it.

Seeing that that didn't work, Cateyln used her body to turn us to the side making me let ago.

I quickly stood up and so did she.

"You little bitch," Catelyn hissed rubbing her throat.

"Who?" I mused, "-me or you?

Catelyn hissed under her breath and advanced forward again. She grabbed my hair and yanked it down.

I couldn't help but shout. Not in pain, but in anger.

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