Day Ten

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Word Count: 1837

~Part One Day Ten, Friday

Juliette opened her eyes, seeing a very unfamliar roof.

Where am I?

She turned her head, feeling a little too warm. Jaxon was coiled around he like ivy, his head on her chest, his leg thrown over hers. She gazed down at him, admiring his perfect skin and youthful look.

Light was streaming in through the windows because Jaxon hadn't closed the curtain last night. Juliette sighed, feeling the urge to pee.

Jaxon shifted, blinked a few times then looked up at Juliette. He smiled weakly, his silver eyes big and luminous. He sat up and stretched, Juliette eyed his shirtless torso and ripped muscles.

"Sleep well?" he asked, kissing Juliette on the forehead before slipping from the bed. His voice sounded deep and husky from sleep.

"Surprisingly yes," Juliette mumbled. sitting up. Jaxon excused himslef to a bathroom further down the hallway, leaving Juliette to to the one adjoning his bedroom.

As she sat up, she heard something crinkle under the pillow. She frowned and dug under the pillow, pulling out a piece of paper, linked writing scrawled across it.

Dear Juliette

Remember, nobody finds out about me or the resistance. I know where you stay Kitten; just keep that in mind.My Boss is getting anxious, we speak the day you read this.

Oh, and you look very lovely when you sleep.


Juliette shivered, scrunching the note up. He had visited this room last night, while they were sleeping.


"Late again Kerson."

Juliette wished the ground would swallow her up, as she walked into the hall slowly. She was late to her class again because she had left her uniform in her room, so Jaxon had to drop her off there quickly.

"Sorry sir," she muttered a half empty apology, taking a seat beside Jazz. He gazed at her, his eyes narrowing.

"If you were late to an important pack meeting, what do you think the Alpha King would do?" Kade asked, his eyes dark and dangerous. His voice was raised and it echoed around the hall. He really didn't like her.

"He would spank you, that's what," Jazz giggled in Juliette's ear. Juliette biffed her, knowing Alpha Kade had surely heard.

"You're so gross," Juliette shot back in a whisper. Jazz looked down to smother her laugh when Alpha Kade coughed loudly.

"Tardiness is not excepted here. I will speak to the King, don't let it happen again Miss Kerson."

And with that, the lesson was resumed. Who knew learning about the rules of the pack could be so boring.

By lunch, Juliette had a pounding headache. She hadn't felt hungover this morning, but now she was starting to feel a little off.

"I thought you liked Pasta?" Jazz said quzzically, watching Juliette picked at her noodles. Juliette sighed and put her fork down.

"I have a lot on my mind, that's all," Juliette said. She was worrying mainly about Chris and his dark motives, and Ace showing up in her room to 'talk'.

"Like?" Jazz prompted. Trust her to snoop, she just had to know everything.

"Have you ever just wanted to shift?"

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