Chapter 2 First confession

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Just thinking back on it, Gulf should have confessed way earlier. They had been together for almost a year now but now that he probably understood his feelings, he found out those feelings had already started the day he met Mew at auditions. He didn't know what they were at that moment but it should have been obvious for him with the fluttering feelings he had every time he saw Mew. The quickening heartbeat when he looked into those chocolate eyes.

The moment he started noticing his own feelings he tried to hide them as best as he could. But with an ever-clingy Mew his heart rate was permanently to fast. Every little touch made shivers run through his body and he was so confused, he had never felt something for another man and now he was feelings all these things for Mew. He didn't know what to do with it so he didn't act out on them in the beginning. He didn't have to, with a co-actor who was always touching and hugging him. This way he got accustomed with his own feelings and at some point, he could live with them. He still was confused if the feelings he felt weren't the feelings from his character Type, so that's why he tried to act trough them. Maybe after finishing the series the feelings would leave and he would know they were only the feelings Type had for Tharn. He got through the workshops and filming the series keeping his feelings ad bay. Well his feelings did become stronger with every touch from Mew but he knew it would fade after shooting.

But they didn't. The feelings stayed and it made him even more confused. Was he really attracted to Mew? Was it like? Love? he didn't know and that made it even harder for him. He tried to ignore the feelings and just act his way through the fan meetings and sponsorship's. He didn't need to act at all because everything they did, he loved it. He loved the touches and the smoldering looks in photo shoots from Mew. The arms around him. The chin on his shoulder. Everything.

He didn't say anything about it to anyone scared of what they would think, and especially not to Mew. What would he think! With his history with Art he felt to insecure to confess like that. He didn't even know if Mew felt the same at all! Maybe all he did was acting and everything he had seen in his eyes was just to please the crowd. He felt secure in Mew's arms and he wanted to snuggle up to him, but his shy nature wouldn't let him. He did get used to the affection Mew showed him all the time and he gave some himself to even. His heart would flutter every time Mew looked at him. His breath stuttered and butterflies would fly all over in his stomach. He couldn't contain his feelings for much longer. So here he was trying to avoid Mew's touches.


Mew was sulking. Since a week Gulf would let him touch him anymore! He was always touching and hugging him so why wouldn't he let him touch him anymore. He was looking out for any event they had because he would be able to touch him all the time then, but behind the scenes Gulf would try to avoid him. He didn't know what he had been doing wrong. He thought Gulf also liked that he hugged him. He never complained before this week and now every time he tried to hug him, he shied away and pulled away.

He had tried to keep his touches to a minimum at all times but he couldn't not hug him. He was just so gorgeous and cute, and he didn't mind his touches. Mew knew he was a little too much sometimes but he didn't want to let him go. Ever since the first meeting they had he was intrigued by Gulf. He was something else and he couldn't put his finger on it then. But now he knew what it was, he liked Gulf and not just the friendly type of like, no the full on like like!

He was a little scared though so he did understand why Gulf was a little done with his affection. He had seen it before and that frightened him. He didn't want to make the same mistake twice. But he thought Gulf liked him back. He always looked at him with those big puppy eyes as if he Mew was the only thing in the universe, or maybe he just imagined things now. Just because he liked someone didn't mean they liked him back. He knew he was a hopeless romantic, he couldn't help it and he had been trying to keep his feelings at bay for some time now, but after they had been done shooting his feelings didn't disappear. He thought they were just the feelings Tharn had for Type but now his feelings only doubled. Every look from Gulf made shiver run up his back, in a good way. He loved watching those eyes smiling at him. That high-pitched laugh he always tried to hide was music to his ears.

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