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❝It is never too late to be what you might have been.❞

― George Eliot

A/N It's Friday!!! Which means it's publishing day!!! whoooo. I need to start actually rewriting new chapters, but hey, I have old already rewritten chapters to publish in the mean time! 

Anyway, how're you guys liking it so far? I read everyone's comments and it's so sweet the things you say. 




A sharp 'beep, beep, beep' filled the air as Roxanne's phone vibrated across her nightstand. She groaned and grabbed it before checking the caller's ID. Luke. Her narrowed eyes rolled upwards as she sat up and ran a hand through her knotted, messy hair. 

Her stomach felt like a pit and she quickly exited the room, rushing down the stairs and outside. The blonde moved quickly through the yard and into the woods, before answering at the last ring. 

"Hey, Luke," she greeted warmly as she entered the treeline. "What's going on, Alpha man?" 

Luke scoffed, his voice deep and unamused. "Hello, Roxanne. I was calling to check up on you, we haven't heard from you in a few days." 

Roxanne nodded, walking between the trees towards the river she knew was a couple miles west of the mansion. "Yeah, it's been an odd few days. They're having me stay with them. Klaus is already planning on killing me." Her head tilted as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. It had been a late night, star gazing with the hybrid. Her gray gaze flitted up between the branches above her, studying the soft blue of the morning sky. 

The Alpha of the Blood Moon pack laughed sharply, a deep sound that drew most people's attention. "Really? I'm not half surprised. Elijah's already figured it out by now, too, right?" 

Roxanne tilted her head and smiled vaguely. "Half figured out. How's the pack?" She shoved her free hand into the pocket of her pajama shorts. She moved carefully through the trees, slipping like a cat between the natural growth of the woods. Her eyes and ears constantly paying attention to the quiet sounds of sights of the area around her. 

"Bailey is good. Worried, but confident in you. Natalie has been a mess since you left," Luke informed, and she could hear the worry in his own voice. Faint, but evident. "Faith called." 

Roxanne froze, her heart trembling in her chest. "She did? When?" Her lungs seemed to squeeze inside her chest, like an iron vice was wrapped around them. Faith called. Faith called. Faith called. Faith called. 

"Yeah. A few nights ago. I told her what's going on, she was upset." 

Roxanne stared out at the trees, feeling her heart do loops in her chest. "I can't call her, I can't risk it." The blonde fidgeted with her shirt, feeling like she wanted to cry. "Tell her I love her and I'll see her as soon as I can." Her heart was beating against her ribs, and it felt like it was about to break out of the bony cage. 

Luke sighed and she heard the disappointment in that breath. "Rox, how long are you planning on staying? This was supposed to be a week long assignment. It's been ten days." The blonde sat down on a fallen log and looked at the grass between her boots. 

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