The end

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A week after the date

A: hey Hazel
Oh hey Aaron what's up
A: I um want to uh ask you to
Z: what's going on here
G: it's a party over here
Garroth, Zane please be quiet I want to hear what Aaron has to say
A: I uh wanted to ask you if you wanted to
Z: ooo what's he gonna say
KC: Is Kawaii~chans ship getting back together
A: uh only if Hazel wants to
Wait what
A: I was gonna ask you if you wanted to get back together
What really of course
G: Aaron take care of our baby sister
Z: I may not talk to people but I know how do cause pain, so don't dump my sister's lazy butt this time
I'm not lazy Zane
Z: sure~
So Aaron- *get interrupted by him kissing her*
A: *kisses her* thank you for giving me a chance

Hey Alpha's sorry this chapter was so short, but this book is done. YAY! You should check out my other stories if you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow. That's all for now Alpha's. Amccauslin out.

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