Chapter Five

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As the meteor shower began to settle down, Colt headed towards his friend Leo to speak with him. 

He was aware that Peia and Dana would shortly begin to practice using their powers, and so he decided to wait with his friend for a moment. 

As he approached his friend, he noticed that Leo was counting the shooting stars quietly to himself. It was one of his peculiarities- to be constantly analysing the world around him. Ultimately, though, now that Colt knew that his friend did indeed come from another planet, the planet of Tuldrox, this made more sense. Leo was trying to familiarise himself with Earth as much as Colt was trying to familiarise himself with the alien worlds he was new to.  

"You're thinking about them, aren't you?" Colt asked him, then, and Leo turned to him with an expression of curiosity on his face. 

"Your family," Colt continued. 

Leo just gave a gentle nod because this much was true. He did wonder about them a lot. Of course, he had not yet heard the information from Dana that there was a possibility of members of Tuldrox still being out there, and beyond that, if there were, would they be good or bad? That was a real question. 

Leo came from a relatively small family unit, as he would later be told. He was around the age of six, just months before he was forced to leave his home planet of Tuldrox due to the ongoing world's end, when his parents had told him that he was adopted. He was taken into care by them due to complications during his birth, and that was that. Regardless, there was still a part of Leo, no matter how small, which silently hoped that one day he would be able to see his parents ago- his adopted ones, that is. Maybe there was some chance that they had managed to get out alive? 

He didn't want to be too hopeful, though. 

Colt didn't want to pry, so he simply remained standing next to his friend, hesitant to ask many more questions. 

Offering a beneficial distraction from the subject, Aurora headed towards Colt then and gave him a smile, her eyes filled with kindness. Colt gave her a small smile as he reached out one of his hands to take Aurora's into his own. He was glad that for now she was safe, but there were thoughts in the back of his mind that were concerned about what would happen as Aurora's abilities continued to develop. Would she be okay? Would she be safe? Colt had previously been the main person for Aurora to rely upon but he couldn't deny that her world was becoming more complex. He didn't voice such concerns aloud, and no sooner than he could even say a word, Nova had wandered to his side. 

"If gravity wasn't so strong on this planet there would be nothing from stopping me from floating up right now and pointing to the star I wanted." Nova said. 

"Star you wanted?" Colt remarked with a slight smirk of good humour. 

"Yes. I love stars," Nova replied, with a gentle smile herself. 

"How would you be able to just float up and-" 

"On our home planet, gravity doesn't control where you are, you can manipilate it," Nova stated. 

Colt gave a slight nod then. 

"Right. That makes no sense  to me... but you're an alien, so." 

Then he noticed beside him that Aurora had begun to unconsciously float up herself. He just grabbed a hand and pulled her back down to the ground beside him. 

"Sorry," Aurora said. "I guess I'm still getting used to my powers."

Colt gave a gentle shake of his head. 

"No worries," he told her. 

Nova went to stand beside Aurora then, to make sure that she didn't accidentally float off again, while Peia came to talk to Colt. Aurora cast her eyes away from him, trying to settle that familiar butterfly of jealousy that was now crawling around her stomach. 

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