Chapter 130- The Prince Is Very Sick (54)

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Wu Zu's face was scary, and with shadows casting over his face, he made people feel chills.

He reached out and took the jug in Su Yan's hand with great force.

After smelling at the mouth of the jug, Wu Zu smiled somberly.

"Why didn't you put in the pill I gave you?"

Su Yan didn't speak.

Wu Zu opened the lid, handed it to Su Yan, and said, "I've heard that you have a brother, eight years old. Your father and mother love him very much."

Su Yan slowly took out the pale yellow pill from her cuffs.

Under the watchful eyes of Wu Zu, she put it into the jug.

Then Wu Zu laughed, his hoarse, gloomy voice sounding out.

"If you can make the third prince drink this wine, your father, mother, brother, and you can stay safe and sound."

He paused,

"But... should I find out what tricks you are playing, you all will have to die."

Xiaohua snorted.

"Bad guy."

Wu Zu handed the jug back to Su Yan.

His Highness was very thoughtful, knowing that this maidservant was likely to play tricks, he let him come over and watch.

Sure enough, a woman really can't do such big things.

Wu Zu saw Su Yan's lowered head, thinking she was frightened by his words.

Wu Zu's white palm lifted and patted Su Yan's arm.

"You have no escape route. If this is exposed, and you are found out to be a spy, you think you can get through tomorrow? But as long as you do a good job, His Highness will grant you great wealth and status and protect you, enough to live comfortably."

After much talking, Wu Zu heard footsteps and left quickly.

Su Yan stood quietly for a while, shaking the wine in his hand.

Go outside.

When she returned to Xuanyuan Yonghao, the people on the stage had somehow changed from the dancing girls to the princess who was coming to visit.

Next to Princess Ouyang Ling was a white tiger.

On the stage, there were still some bodyguards who couldn't stand up on the ground and are seriously injured. It seems that they having a contest.

Chunhua saw Su Yan coming back with the wine, and pulled her by the arm to explain.

"This princess is really powerful. She can use the tiger training for her own use. Even ten master guards couldn't win against her together. She's really strong."

Su Yan licked her lips and glanced at the table.

They probably think this tiger is dangerous, so the number of guards around the tables were multiplied.

There are also dark guards, the sword and spear in his hand have been broken, and they are being lifted from the high platform.

While talking, a cough was heard from the position of the envoy of the Sun Kingdom.

Ouyang Ling paused on the stage, her hands behind her back, and her eyes scanned the people present.

Originally, this was extremely impolite.

But her flexible posture is wanton and makes people attracted by her demeanor, so that she ignores her every move.

Her melodious voice sounded out, "I heard that many great people came out of Xuanyuan Country, and there are many brave people. I wanted to see, but... this is really disappointing.

The gold bells on Ouyang Ling's feet sounded with her every move.

The audience was quiet, and on the throne, Xuanyuan Honghua's face was ugly.

Dozens of masters, soldiers holding swords, were knocked off the stage, and they couldn't wipe their faces.

General Lin Liqiang was also very angry. He had been eager to move and wanted to compete on stage, but Zhao Ziyan didn't allow him, so he had to sit down bitterly.

TL Note (5/2/2020): Oh jeez. I didn't even notice that the last few paragraphs were unedited. I know I edited, but maybe Wattpad malfunctioned..? ;w;

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