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"Does anyone know when Jessica is getting married?"

Within a few seconds, someone replied in the WeChat group.

"It's been called off, they broke up," Kendall replied.

As soon as she sent the message, a few more classmates curiously asked, "What happened?"

"Yeah, didn't she say that they already bought an apartment together? Why would they call off the wedding?"

"They're not going to get married if they're not right for each other, stop asking so many questions. She saved you your wedding gift money. Oh yeah, keep an eye out for Jess and introduce her to some fine single men," Kendall jokingly replied.

At that moment, Jack came online and asked, "Is this for real? Don't joke around."

"Of course it's real, why would I joke about something so important?" Kendall rolled her eyes.

"Great, the goddess is single, now is my chance." No one knew if Jack was joking or being serious.

Then, Hazel replied sourly, "Yeah, the goddess is single now. If you want to go after her, better hurry and not miss your chance, rich boy."

Andrew looked at the chat silently without replying...

He had no interest in anyone in the group other than Jessica.

All of this reminded him that he had to thank Ms. Morris for their last reunion. If he didn't go all the way to New Zealand and fly Ms. Morris back to C City, Jessica might not have attended the reunion. He knew her too well.

As everybody discussed and gossiped, Jessica suddenly came online.

"Sorry, I might not be able to treat you guys to a reception. Something did happen with the wedding."

"Goddess, it's fine. It's that guy who had missed out. Being single is great, ha."

"Goddess Henderson, why not give me a chance?" Jack said, unclear whether he was joking or not.

"Jess, aren't you supposed to be working today? You must be pretty free, considering you're on WeChat," asked Kendall.

"Mhm, I just assisted with a surgery, and the head nurse gave me the day off."

"Ha, that's not bad for the old hag. Let's go eat tonight then, I'm free."

"Bring me along, I'll pay and you guys can choose the location," Jack interjected.

"Maybe another day. Kendall, I have to go see my mother at the hospital today."

"Auntie is in the hospital? What happened?" Kendall privately messaged Jessica.

"Nothing, it's just hypertension. It's not a big problem, don't worry about it," Jessica replied.

Then, she got changed, bought food, and took the bus to Fourth Hospital.

The classmates were still questioning around in the group chat, but she was too lazy to reply. As they were classmates she rarely talked to, she didn't need to pretend that they were close.

Just then, a WeChat notification suddenly popped out...

It was a fund transfer from Jack.

Attached to it was a message, "I heard that your mother is hospitalized, this is just a little something from me."

Only then did Jessica realized that she had mentioned her mother's hospitalization in the WeChat group. She immediately declined the fund transfer.

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