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Tim had been fully prepared to beat Peter's ass at Star Wars: Battlefront. Normally he had to fight Jason over who got to be Boba Fett, but luckily Peter was completely unwilling to play as a villain, instead choosing to play as Luke. Their characters were running around Endor as they tried to kill each other. Like he said, Tim had been fully prepared to beat Peter into a pulp over this game. Peter, however, was maybe better than Tim at this game.

"How are you so good at this?" Tim grunted, evading a swing from Peter's lightsaber.

"Uh, I just really hate the Dark Side," Peter said, pressing a button to make Luke jump ten feet up.

Tim snorted and pressed the button that made his jetpack go. He fired his blasters and managed to get the upper hand on Peter. With a triumphant grin, he turned to rub his victory in his boyfriend's face only to find that Peter was not looking at the screen. Instead, his eyes were fixed on the ceiling.

"Someone's upstairs," Peter muttered, throwing the controller to the side.

"What?" Tim furrowed his eyebrows and also placed his controller aside. "How do you know?"

Before Peter could answer, there was a loud crash followed by an even louder shout. Peter muttered something, but Tim didn't recognize the voice. Still, he followed after Peter and ran up the stairs to the attic. When they arrived, Bruce was already looking up at the door.

"You heard it too?" Peter asked.

"Well, considering a man just screamed from inside my very off-limits attic," Bruce said. "Yeah; I heard it."

Peter pursed his lips and looked away awkwardly. Snickering, Tim jumped up and pulled the collapsable door down. He was the first to go up, despite Bruce hissing at him not to. When he finally ascended into the dusty, spacious attic, he saw Damian crouched on the floor, a man bleeding from his leg, and a woman that he was pretty sure was Peter's aunt.


[ ... ]

Of all the things Peter was expecting to find in Mr. Wayne's attic, May and Mr. Stark were the furthest from that list. He also was not expecting to see Mr. Stark with a heavy wound in his leg and Tim's younger brother holding the bloody knife.

"What are you doing in my house?" Bruce exclaimed, pointing angrily at Tony.

"Whose demon just stabbed me?" Tony retorted, gesturing wildly to Damian.

"You're an intruder!" Damian shouted indignantly, leaping up.

"Um, Mr. Wayne," Peter said quietly. "Um, I think they're, uh... looking for me?"

"No shit!" May yelped. She stormed over to Peter, pulling him into a brief hug before holding him out at arms length. "You had me worried sick, Peter! What were you thinking— going to another dimension?"

At the same time, Bruce had rounded on Tony, "Why aren't you dead?" His tone was accusatory, and a little bit disappointed.

When Peter turned back he was still glaring at Tony.

"Why aren't you dead?" Tony fired back.

"What is happening?" Peter hissed, leaning away from May and towards Tim.

"Tony Stark blew up somewhere in the Middle East in 2011," Tim muttered. He shot a look at Peter and furrowed his eyes. "How do you know him?"

"Uh... internship?" Peter squeaked out.

This really did not seem like the best time to admit to Tim that he was Spider-Man. All the while, Mr. Wayne and Mr. Stark were still yelling at each other. After a moment, May broke it up.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion," May admitted. "But, as I'm sure you can understand, I was really worried about Peter and I had no idea where he was, only to find out that he travelled to a whole new dimension without telling me!"

She shot him a look and Peter's stomach sank. He hated disappointing people, and he knew May was more disappointed in him than she'd ever been before.

[ ... ]

This had not been how Tim wanted to meet Peter's aunt, but he had to make do with the situation at hand.

[ TIM has opened up a text with BART ]


uhhhhh come over

Before Tim could even send a second message explaining himself, Bart was in the kitchen with all of them eating a fully made sandwich that Tim was fairly certain he'd made from the items in the Wayne kitchen.

"You called?"

Tony Stark let out a loud swear and both Peter and May jumped. Unfortunately, Tim and Bruce were used to it. Damian had been sent to his room, because Bruce hadn't really been sure what to do with him after Damian had stabbed the guy.

Still chewing on his food, Bart bowed dramatically, "Thank you, thank you. Love my fans." He looked at Tim, "As much as I enjoy raiding your fridge, I'm assuming I'm here for a reason?"

[ ... ]

"So what you're saying..." May began slowly, trying to take in Bart's description of the danger that lay ahead, "is that a giant, uh— raisin you said? is— is going to erase half of our Earth and yours?"

Bart nodded cheerfully, "Yup! And your Earth's mightiest heroes royally fuck it up!" 


im gona be real with yall me 

and maggie swapped drafted fics 

like last summer and wrote a few bits 

and pieces of chapters so part of 

this is maggie lol 

SCREEN TIME. ( peter parker/tim drake )Where stories live. Discover now