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"And I want everyone who nominated me to the Finale to know that I'm grateful to you." I finish reciting my speech and open my eyes.

Today's the day.

It's Saturday and I'm sitting in the greenroom with Alz, preparing for the big event. There's still an hour left for the Finale to start and Stephanie is lending a hand to Lana in making up her face.

I'm starting to get nervous, God knows why. Maybe it's because of Callaghan. I never thought she would be such a stiff competition to me.

C'mon, she's still a nerd!

Yeah, and the percentage of cool people is more than that of nerds here. And cool people like me, not Callaghan. So, why am I getting nervous?

"Dang it!"

Oh man. Groaning, I look at Alz who's violently pulling a stocking up her leg.

"Mother-chucking-bastard-of-a-stocking." She says, between pulls.

I sigh. I told her at least thrice to listen to my speech and to check if the emotions were adequate. But of course, she's my little sister, who has the attention span of a chewing gum.

"Alz, I told you to listen to my speech."

Not stopping her pulling, she glares at me. "I am trying to wear a stocking. Which is difficult. Difficult!"

I look at the stocking, which rises only upto her knee, then crumples up. I laugh and shake my head. "You've become fat. Because the stockings are your size."

Her cheeks redden up and she huffs. "Nonsense. How can I become fat? I only ate half of the cookie jar-"

I stand up, shocked. "Half of the cookie jar?"

"Yeah, but it's still less than what I ate last time!" She yells defiantly.

"Mom finishes the first half. You finish the remaining half. What about me?"

She sticks out her tongue at me and continues to pull at her stocking with unwavering determination. I narrow my eyes at her and walk out of the room, hoping to go on a stroll and see how the preparations and last-minute decorations are going.

The minute I step out, a burst of cold air hits my face. I smile, feeling refreshened and start walking towards the auditorium where the event will take place.

A row of little girls, aged not more than five, stand near the auditorium entrance, dressed in frilly frocks and wearing fancy hair accessories. A few of them have their moms or dads beside them, helping them in their last-minute revision of rhymes that they'll recite on the stage.

I smile, remembering my first Spring Queen competition. I got nominated by the teachers -kids were too young to understand what voting was- and was tortured by Mom day and night, so that I could recite 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' properly.

I didn't even get to the stage on the Finale. I was so scared and confused, I ran away from the Kids' room and hid myself in the in a prop giftbox in the drama sets room. Look at me now.

"Jennifer!" Mei calls out from a distance. She is sweating and her petite figure seems to be shaking from excitement. I look at her glaring at me. "Why are you still in casuals? An why isn't your face made up?"

"There's still time, Mei." I reply calmly.

"That's what you're saying now. But when you're late, you start blaming things on the Organisers Committee for not informing you on time!"

I want to laugh. The usually ass-licking and agreeing-on-everything Mei changes her form whenever Spring Queen Week nears. All these years, she was just an assistant, so her behaviour was still tolerable. But now, she's the head, which is why she's adding the extra snoot.

But I don't want her to ruin my mood so without further ado, I walk back to the greenroom.

I see Stephanie, Lana and Alz outside, putting on their shoes. "Where are you off to?" I ask them and notice Alz's legs are still bare.

"To the stage to do a last-minute practice," Stephanie answers.

I turn to Alz. "Where are your stockings?"

"Oh, don't ask?" Lana sighs.

Steph chuckles. "She ripped it apart with her teeth."

"Should've given her some cookies to calm down." I say, glancing sideways at her. She bares her teeth at me like an animal and stomps off towards the auditorium. Stephanie and Lana follow.

I shake my head in amusement and enter the room, walking towards my dressing table. The full length mirror is actually a cupboard where you keep your dresses and shoes. So I open it to take my dress. Instead, my hand finds empty air.

"Wha- where's my dress?" I ask to an empty room and begin to panic.

Where the hell is my dress? I cannot go on stage in jeans!

I search every nook and corner of the room frantically, dropping lipsticks and expensive bronzers everywhere. At last, when I start to give up, I spot a letter on Lana's dressing table.

Dear Jennifer,
Sorry for this but I liked your dress and I tried it on, but I pulled the zipper too harshly and it broke. I got it fixed by a junior at the Arts and Crafts room and it's there now. I hope you forgive me. Sorry again.
P.S. Sallie is waiting for you with your dress there. Hurry.

I huff in anger and run towards the AnC room, which is on the other side of the school building. Why did Alz allow her to wear it? There's a limit to not-caring! Wait till I get hold of her.

Something's wrong, Jen. Don't go.

Well, obviously something is wrong but I want my dress. I cannot wear leaves and bark, can I?

The corridors are dark and empty with only the faint light of mini-bulbs appearing occasionally on the ceiling. My footsteps echo around the emptiness and soon enough, I find the room and enter. To my surprise, not a light is switched on.

Jen, turn around and go. Now.

No harm in checking the room once. Maybe Sallie didn't want to be late for the Finale. So she left it here and went.

"Sallie?" I call out. "It's me, Jennifer. Lana asked you to mend a dress for me, I supp-"

A loud noise of closing the latch of a door is heard, followed by the quick scurrying of feet.


Somebody just locked me in. In total darkness.

Haha. Told you.

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