Chapter Ten

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The past few days flew by uneventful,  no drama and no arguments. The big day came, the day I turn fifteen and to be completely honest I wasn't exactly happy. It will be my first ever birthday without my mom and the thought terrifies me.

I get up out of bed and wander towards the bathroom, I lazily get into the shower and wash my hair. Then I head to my wardrobe and pick out a outfit for the day, considering it's my birthday I decide to put a little more effort in than usual. I pick out a pair of very ripped black jeans, a white tube top, a light blue denim jacket and to  finish my white slip-on vans.

I immediately become self conscious as I stare at myself in the mirror, my legs look huge. I look at them carefully, wishing for a bigger thigh gap. I sigh and walk out of there, not wanting to upset my self first thing in the morning.

I beging to walk down stairs however I grow confused quickly, all of the lights are off and not a sound can be heard. I look at my phone at see that it's 8am, I shrug just assuming my brothers aren't awake yet. As I make my way into the kitchen I get a suspicious feeling. Suddenly, the lights turn on and loud cheers erupt the room, I jump and bring a hand to my chest, trying to calm my pounding heart down.

"Happy Birthday!!" they shout.

A large smiles, covers my face as I stare at all of my brothers in front of me who are grinning widely, even Vince and Rocco's smiling.

"Thank you" I reply happily.

They move around the table, revealing the large pile of presents, wrapped in pink glittery wrapping paper stacked in the middle.

"I said I didn't need anything"  I say, although I was extremely grateful for what is in front of me.

"Well, we got you stuff" Grayson shrugs.

I smile and sit on the table, the others spread their selves around, giving them a good view of my reaction. I reach out for the first one, i glance up at them as I slowly unwrap the paper revealing the MacBook Pro box. A large  toothy grin appears on my face, as my eyes dart to my brothers.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaim looking between all of them.

"You are very welcome Evanna" Vince says.

I gently place the box to the side, reaching for another. I grab it and slowly open it, this time revealing a small box with a baby blue ribbon holding it together. I smile at the box and un wrap the bow. I lift of the top to discover a beautiful white skater dress. I lift it in the air to view the whole thing. The dress appears tight at the top and slowly flows out, a small pattern of lace immersing the dress. Once again I thank everyone.

"Evie, those were off of all of us" Grayson says "Now these are off of us separately " he adds

"okay" I nod

Xander grabs into the pile and hands me he one I presume is off of him. I thank him and open the wrapping to reveal a small ring box. I open it to unveil a beautiful silver ring, in the shape of a crown. I gasp and look up to him.

"Thank you so much Xander" I exclaim, hugging him from across the table.

"No probs lil sis" he replies casually.

Next, Blake reaches into the pile and hands me his. I open it to reveal a box with a large nike tick boldly written on the top. I open the box to display the gorgeous soccer boots. I carefully lift them from the box, staring in admiration. They began as a bright pink near the toes, which slowly ombré's into a purple and then to a blue towards the heel. The nike tick and studs shine brightly as the chrome colouring shines off of everything.

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