What's Next?

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What's next you ask?

Well, clearly things aren't quite over for Amberleigh and Erivale, someone or something is stirring up some trouble that will threaten the very citizens she swore to protect. I plan for Erivale to become a series, and book two is already in the planning stages. I hope to get it written and begin posting within the year.

A year is quite a while, but I'll let you in on a little secret... I'm already working on another project. This one will be in a completely different world than Erivale, different characters, and different plot (still fantasy though, it's hard to get away from my one true love). If all goes to plan I'll be releasing more information on the story in the coming months.

In the meantime, I'm going to continue doing some polishing on Erivale. She needs editing haha. Although there won't be any major content changes so you won't have to reread anything, it is mostly grammar work. I will be releasing some more bonus content chapters: maps, music inspriations, face claims, and anything else that you ask for (within reason ;) ).

Lastly, I ask that you all turn to the next chapter and take the quick survey. It's just three questions so it shouldn't take much time at all. Thank you!

Erivale: The Lost PrincessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ