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Ever wonder what heaven is like?

Many people have their own idea of what heaven will be like. Some believe in a generic heaven; white mist surrounding everything as baby angels play the harp and the older, more enchanting ones in dazzling white robes hum beautiful tunes and serve them drinks.

Some people prefer to imagine a more personalised heaven - whether what they seek is peace and quiet or adventure and excitement, they believe firmly that heaven, or at least their corner of it, will contain that in bliss inducing measures.

But what if you've already discovered heaven? What if everything you've ever wanted, needed, secretly dreamt of - and much more besides - is part of your everyday life? Is there a point to dreaming of another heaven?

I didn't. I had my heaven with me everyday, and yet the more I had the more I craved. There was nothing I wanted more each day than to wake up into my wonderland.

And yet, what if that heaven is threatened? If the heaven you are already enjoying comes under attack? If you are thrown out of heaven, what then? Do you meekly accept it, hope to someday be invited back? Or do you cut your losses and give up on ever returning, choosing to hold on to the memories for the rest of your life?

Or would you do everything in your power to get it back? Would you take up arms, do anything, be anything to get everything back to normal?

What lengths would you go to in an effort to get your corner of heaven back?

Running from His Claim (Beauty and the Beast #2)Where stories live. Discover now