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• • •

He retracts as if I hurt his ego, as If I hurt him. I take a moment to let out a sigh of relief. I know my heart aches to be close with him once again but this was an example of what could go wrong between us.

He let goes of my hand instantly, his old jokey self comes into play. "Inaya, are we friends? Could we go back to what we were before?" He asks, kindly. His voice coming out smooth.

If I say yes, hopefully he will leave me alone. "Yes." I give him a satisfied answer to which he fist pumps the air making a little giggle escape my own lips.

"Partner, you will not leave me again because it's been terribly miserable without you." He chuckles slightly, "I'll call the police next time if you do. Tell them that I'm heartbroken, murdered possibly due to my own friend breaking me." He proudly mentions as he walks to the door.

"Let's head inside, it's getting late." A little smirk playing on his lips.

My thoughts are confused, I have nothing to say. What was tonight about?

Did I want to see Daniel? No.

I saw him and I let him come close to me, I let him intertwine our fingers together, I let him have that control.

I shake my head at my thoughts, I have probably created a place for myself in Hell by now.

• • •

I'm visiting my parents today, I haven't seen them in weeks and I miss them dearly.

"Make sure you bring some ladoos (sphere-shaped sweet) back!" Safa shouts to me as I walk out of the door.

Hania and Safa both love my mother's cooking, every time I go home they practically beg me to bring back food for them. I do bring food for them back, my mother always makes extra for them both because she knows that they love it and so do I.

I explained to Hania and Safa what had happened, they both were shocked at what happened but still the teasing and jokes never stopped. In fact, they're still rooting for me to be with Daniel.

Maybe I can ask my mother, take on her advice.

"Asalaamu Alaikum!" I walk through the front door, as I take in the wonderful smell of the food my mother has cooked for me.

I see both my parents walk out of the kitchen to come and greet me.

Oh how much I miss home.

"Beti!" My mother excitedly hugs me as we chat until we set the food down onto the table.

I look around for my annoying brother, who is surprisingly not here today. "Is bhai (brother) here?" I kindly question my father.

"He had some important work today but he said he'll make it up to you." My father grins at me.

I and my brother are close - we have an annoying relationship but I wouldn't change it for the world.

We've always been close and stuck by each other, when I first moved away to university it felt odd without him mostly.

I sigh, he knows that when I come home I look forward to see him but instead he's occupied with work and can't take time out for a couple of hours.

It may not be his fault either?

"How's university, beti? Found anyone?" My mother asks me as we sit on the table to eat together.

I gulp, unsure on how to answer the question.

Do I mention Daniel?

"There's this one boy." I look up at both of them, my mother's face is already telling me she is interested. My father is already prepared to call Daniel over. "No, please don't get excited yet. I'm not completely sure." I manage to say, it still makes no effect on either of them.

"What's he like?" My mother asks, as they both look up at me.

Memories of Daniel flash through my head, he's the definition of perfect. He's funny, charming and caring. A wonderful person but has many secrets and won't even tell me one.

I snap out of train of thought as I realise that this is possibly a mistake. I know barely anything about him - this would be a terrible mistake to already introduce him to my parents.

I quickly change the topic, "This rice is amazing! Tastes better than usual, I can say that it is because of me coming over that it was cooked extra well."

- - -

- A/N -

Confusion everywhere 🥴

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment so I know how you feel about the story so far! 💘

Next update : Wednesday 13th May 2020

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