•~Chapter 4~•

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(A/n) I know no ones reading this story but just incase someone does at some point, I just wanted to say Ik it's not amazing but i'm trying my hardest lol.

It's been a Few weeks since Tom and I's date. Star, Marco, Tom and I have started to hang out more, Toms pretty much part of the friend group now. I know it's only because Star knows I have a crush on him. She's the one who invites him over most of the time, the four of us have become quite close and it's pretty great, I get to see him all the time. Every time I look at him I get butterflies, it's crazy. There's been some flirting every now and then between us, but Tom is really hard to read because he pretty much has a flirty personality anyway.

The four of us were sitting in Marcos living room, playing Mario Kart, when star turned off the game out of nowhere.

"Ideaaaaa!!!, We should have a big sleepover!" Star exclaimed.

"Star are you sure, you didn't turn of the game because I was beatinggg youu" Marco said with confidence.

"Dude, you were in last place" Tom replied.

"Psh, No I wasn't, what are you talking abouttt?" Marco said, very clearly lying.

They began to argue because Marco wouldn't admit that he was in last place, and Tom just wouldn't give up. I have to do something about this omg

"Boys!, stop bickering, your like an old married couple omg, also Star that's a great idea, it'll be so much fun"

"Let's all invite someone, I'll invite Ponyhead" Star said excitedly.

"Uh, i'll invite jackie" Marco said taking out his phone.

"I think i'll invite Janna" Janna's really cool, plus she's always messing with Marco, which just makes her even better. "You wanna invite anyone Tom?" I asked.

"Uh well, you guys are my friends, I don't know who i'd invite."

"Tom are we your only friends?" Marco questioned.

"Well yeah I guess, you're my only real friends." He laughed awkwardly looking kinda embarrassed.

"Awh" Star said with a pouty face.

"Hey, that's cool, I mean we're pretty good friends, why would you need anyone else?" I joked, giving him a reassuring smile. I think I helped, he looked more at ease after I had said that.

We called and invited Ponyhead, Jackie and Janna. They all agreed to come over for a sleepover. Janna arrived.

"Hey guys" Janna said walking in from the back door.

"Janna! How did you get in, the backdoor was locked?!" Marco said, confused. I'm not even gonna question it, i'm so used to all of Janna's weirdness now.

"With the key, Duh" Janna replied holding up Marcos key.

Tom started laughing and I couldn't help but join.

"Guys! It's not funny Janna's always taking my stuff, it's weird and annoying"

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door. Marco went over and got it. It was Ponyhead and Jackie.

Demon boy • Tom Lucitor x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang